House Speaker Nancy Pelosi of Calif., reads a statement announcing a formal impeachment inquiry into President Donald Trump, on Capitol Hill in Washington, Tuesday, Sept. 24, 2019. (AP Photo/Andrew Harnik)
On Wednesday, House Democrats finally got around to voting around to voting on impeachment, after basically agitating for it to a greater or lesser degree since President Donald Trump was elected. They even were trying to undermine him prior to the election by paying a foreign national for information from the Russians and weaponizing it to the FBI and the media.
Yet they want to impeach Trump? And dare to say “our Constitution is at stake” if they don’t?
No, our Constitution is at stake because Democrats refused to accept the results of the 2016 election even before it was held and have been tossing aside all norms ever since.
Oklahoma voter Susan Jaslow, who came to attention when she urged Rep. Kendra Horn (D-OK) at a town hall not to vote for impeachment, saying “If she votes for impeachment, she’s screwed.”
Jaslow is an independent who voted for Horn but sure sounds like she wouldn’t be not doing so after this.
From Fox News:
“I’m not a political person by any means. And I was watching the television and Speaker Pelosi looked at me and said, ‘Our constitution is at stake if we don’t impeach the president.’ And then she went on to tell me that this is not a political matter,” Susan Jaslow, an independent voter in Oklahoma, told “The Story with Martha MacCallum. “And I was just highly insulted. She’s insulting my intelligence. I mean, that’s absolutely ludicrous.” [….]
“He’s a duly elected president and I feel it is not your responsibility to take somebody that was duly elected out of office. Let me do that,” Jaslow told Horn at the Dec. 8th meeting. “So, as an independent voter, I think you’re in a lot of trouble if you vote for this impeachment.”
OK independent voter Susan says she decided to vote against Democrats like Rep. Kendra Horn when Pelosi claimed impeachment has "nothing to do w/politics"
"I was insulted, she's insulting my intelligence. That's absolutely ludicrous.
"We're all tired of it"
The people get it! pic.twitter.com/5CcdA2xScC
— Elizabeth Harrington (@LizRNC) December 18, 2019
Jaslow said there were a lot of people she was speaking to who felt the same way.
She chastised Horn’s decision for vote for impeachment, said that was dishonest and was nullifying her vote. “I felt she had no right to do that. Let the voters, 63 million people that voted for Trump leave him in office or take him out,” Jaslow declared. “And she had no right to do that.”
But that’s exactly what they want to do. Jaslow gets it. It isn’t about being Republican, Democrat or Independent, everyone should be calling it out. It isn’t even about Trump ultimately, because they’d do it against anyone if they can do it here. It’s all about getting power back.
Jaslow summed it up for all of us, who remember what norms were like before Democrats trashed them: “We’re very mad. We’re very angry. We just want our country back,” Jaslow said.
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