FILE – In this Nov. 8, 2016, file photo, Democratic presidential candidate Hillary Clinton, and her husband former President Bill Clinton, greet supporters after voting in Chappaqua, N.Y. (AP Photo/Seth Wenig, File)
Information breaking today that doesn’t look good for Bill and Hillary Clinton in regard to their relationship with Jeffrey Epstein.
From Daily Mail:
Bill and Hillary Clinton stayed at Jeffrey Epstein’s notorious ‘baby-making ranch’ almost every year after they left the White House, according to the disgraced financier’s estate manager.
The former president was Epstein’s closest ‘celebrity mate’ and the Clintons, along with daughter Chelsea, visited Zorro Ranch ‘a whole bunch of times’, a former contractor who ran the IT system at the property told DailyMailTV in an exclusive interview.
The contractor was security expert Jared Kellogg, who was on the ranch to improve security and was responsible for the camera system on the compound. He said that Brice Gordon, the manager of the property, bragged about the Clintons being there often.
The ranch is one of several Epstein’s homes where underage girls were flown in from all around the world.
The New York Times claimed the convicted pedophile confided in scientists that he planned to impregnate up to 20 women at a time at the ranch to improve the human race with his genes.
Kellogg said: ‘My contact was Brice, their main concern was that there was no video surveillance on the property at all. I thought this was a simple request, as they wanted surveillance to protect their investment. It’s a huge site.
‘But what was weird was that the whole time I was on site, Brice would be bragging about how the Clintons would visit, the whole family. Not just Bill, but Bill, his wife, their kid, and they would stay on the ranch itself.
‘He had built this Western replica village with a saloon, barn houses, old school house and when you’re walking through it, it feels like you’re walking through the 1800s.
‘His biggest concern was monitoring and covering that area, so my main focus was mounting cameras on poles to cover the driveways, walkways, the ins and outs of each house and facilities.
Kellogg said there were certain areas of the property he wasn’t allowed to go and certain buildings he was restricted in. According to the Daily Mail, another contractor had revealed that there was a basement “strip club” on the compound. There was also a ‘party shower’ that could fit up to eight people.
This story not only raises the alleged Epstein contacts of Bill Clinton, but it also throws Hillary and Chelsea into the mix. Additionally, if true, it would mean that Bill Clinton was lying when he denied being at any of Epstein’s residences except for once at his townhouse in New York.
Clinton also rode on the ‘Lolita Express’ plane 26 times over the course of two years. Virginia Giuffre, one of Epstein’s sex slaves, claimed that she saw Bill Clinton on Epstein’s private island. Clinton has denied ever being on the island.
Tucker Carlson also picked up the story.
New Report: Former estate workers say the Clintons stayed at Epstein's "cowboy" ranch pic.twitter.com/2seFlkPPNq
— Wojciech Pawelczyk (@Woj_Pawelczyk) December 4, 2019
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