Greg Gutfeld Plays Footage of 'Adam Schiff' Trying to Take a Selfie

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Greg Gutfeld has put out some great humor on his show.

But one of the best things he’s done lately is featuring Tom Shillue in his role of Rep. Adam Schiff (D-CA).


As we’ve noted before, no one deserves parody more than Schiff ,who often seems like a parody of a real congress member, with his propensity for story-telling and false statements.

And Shillue nails Schiff with a spot-on impersonation, right down to the eyes.

Here’s an earlier sample:

Now, Twitchy’s caught the latest effort from Shillue with Adam Schiff trying to take a selfie video to impress millennials.


“Fortnite, vaping, Leonardo Dicaprio โ€ฆ see, I get millennials!”

Oh, my, now that’s creepy, but so true.

The eyes, the eyes!

Keep it up, these are gold!


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