Trump vs. Beto Rallies in Dallas: Who Prevailed in Numbers?

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Let’s face it, Texas is still a pretty red state, despite the effort by Democrats to turn it blue. Trump carried the state by nine points in 2016.


But Democrats keep thinking they’re going to flip it and Robert Francis O’Rourke is from Texas.

So when O’Rourke said he would throw a counter-rally to President Donald Trump’s rally in Dallas on Thursday, who came out ahead in the rally numbers?

Well, in the lead up to the two events, it wasn’t even close.

As is typical with Trump rally events, people started lining up far in advance of the event because it’s first come, first get in.

According to the local news, people started lining up on Tuesday, two days before and thousands camped out before the event.

Here’s a shot of the line and folks camping out.

Here’s O’Rourke’s line beforehand on Thursday afternoon.


But O’Rourke’s attendance did pick up closer to the event, although they didn’t look particularly enthusiastic. They were definitely not into the woman with the bell trying to start a “Beto” chant.

Of course, Trump’s lines picked up too.

O’Rourke termed his event, a “Rally against Fear.” Not sure what this was a sample of the entertainment captured by Tom Elliott of Grabien is supposed to be showing. Warning for offensive language.

According to multiple accounts there were 5,532 people at O’Rourke’s rally.

But at the Trump rally, the American Airlines arena was packed, at 20,000 capacity with thousands more outside in overflow areas. Pretty massive crowd.


It wasn’t even close.

HT: Daily Caller, Twitchy


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