Sam Slom, the only Republican in Hawaii’s 25-member Senate, had endorsed Ben Carson in the 2016 Presidential race. But with Ben Carson out, and Hawaii’s Republicans caucusing today, it was time to pick a new horse.
Sam Slom has endorsed Ted Cruz for President.
19 Delegates are up for grabs in today’s caucuses in Hawaii. Linda Lingle, formerly the top dog in the state party, has left the state to work for the Republican administration in Illinois. So that leaves Sam Slom as the top elected Republican in the state. And now he’s backing Ted Cruz.
There have been no polls of the state, which means we probably know just as much about what will happen tonight, as in the states that were polled. So it really is impossible to know just how much this will influence tonight’s results.
But a key endorsement sure isn’t going to leave the Cruz campaign unhappy today. It’s hard to go wrong when the state’s entire Senate Republican Caucus endorsed you.
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