A service called Snapchat has been around a while, purporting to let its users share images, without the recipient being able to save them. Except well, it never was possible to prevent that, and that’s been known all along. Snapchat’s answers was to try to warn the sender if the photo was saved but… they weren’t that great at that.
So now a bunch of nude Snapchat photos may come out but, seriously, if you were sending nude photos around in this way, you didn’t really care about your privacy anyway.
Don’t get me wrong. I think these attackers should be caught and prosecuted fully. But the fact that I think the criminals should get stiff prison sentences, does not mean I think the victims were acting according to their expressed desires.
People who actually want privacy don’t use Snapchat, Facebook, and Gmail. They just don’t, I’m sorry. You don’t give out this much data about yourself if you’re wanting to be private. People instead are perfectly willing to sell their privacy for convenience and low-cost or free services.
That’s a reasonable tradeoff, but let’s be honest about it.
Do you want to make the Internet rusty? regulate it like a utility the way the extreme left wants.
The failure of the Democrats to act on the Internet access tax moratorium could cost ordinary Americans billions. If you like your Internet, you can keep it, I guess.
Shocker: Barack Obama, who signed the American Bar Association-favored America Invents Act, now thinks patent lawsuits are a problem. Duh, you helped worsen the problem, dummy.
So as Democrats are ready to let Internet taxes go way up on the middle class, the President is busy talking big on Net Neutrality, so he wants a taxed, regulated Internet.
European Union citizens are seeing increasing Internet censorship.
What sensible person actually thought NSA should reveal which leaks are true, and which are false? Come on, think, people.
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