Tech at .... Night? : Racist spectrum? ; How to undo the Obama damage

Tech at Night

Oops. Went to bed before putting up Tech at Night last night. Sorry about that! Special morning edition instead!

Even as House extremists are effectively calling it racist to free up spectrum in America, the IIA has it right that we need the FCC to be serious about this.


So here’s an action point for anyone interested: tell Mitt Romney that he needs to appoint strong, reformist regulators not just to stop the bleeding in all regulatory agencies, but actually to roll back the disastrous Obama years. Repeal and replace. It’s not just for Obamacare anymore.

In fact I will now float the idea that under President Romney, Republican Senators should reject Republican nominees to regulators who are not sufficiently committed to undoing the damage of the Obama years.

Because it’s not just the FCC that’s the problem. FTC is a danger to innovation, too, in its plans to expand the reach of COPPA privacy rules.

Mitt Romney must also be ready to reverse dangerous executive orders on day one, such as a possible cybersecurity executive order that is defying the Congress, and trying to cut legislators out of the loop of lawmaking.

Rules sometimes have unforeseen consequences. This one’s hilarious: Given a choice between paying massive fines and burning electricity wastefully, Microsoft sensibly did the latter. Microsoft was in fact kind enough to offer to negotiate, but was rebuffed. Note this: Microsoft saved energy by using less than expected, and were going to pay a penalty for it. Ah, the pacific coast.


Kim Dotcom may be fat but he’s going to cash in intelligently on his fandom it seems. Having gotten busted for profiting off of mass copyright infringement, distributing hacker tools, and more, he’s become a cult hero among idiot anarchists and related scum. So he’s going to release a paid music service and have it hyped as a rebellious thing. Funny though that he’s going to offer a spyware ad hijack option for Megabox. Ad hijacking is a tool developed for and used by hackers who install their own ads on unwitting victims, and nobody’s even questioning the sensibility or ethicality of this idea. Except me, because I’m not a radical.


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