Some have said that the Obama administration is saving up disastrous regulation for the second term, but the FCC is wasting no time. Not content to obstruct wireless innovation with painfully limiting spectrum policy, FCC is now duplicating FTC efforts and playing speed advertising nanny.
Duplicative regulation protects nobody. It’s adversarial. Mitt Romney must make it a priority to appoint reformist regulators to pare back regulation, allowing more marginal business growth opportunities to pan out, creating more jobs, creating more demand, and so growing the whole economy out of the Obama valley.
And that’s actually all the news I’ve got for you tonight. However when I mentioned this on the Tweeters, I ended up getting an interesting response from Jeff Emanuel (follow him by the way).
He said he bought a Kodak Essential USB Power Pack KP100 but he’s not happy with it. He reports it “emits a horrible high-pitched squeal.” That’s not good for something meant to travel with you, perhaps even in your pocket.
I recommended to him that he look at Kensington. A few years back I bought a USB power pack from them, and it’s served me very well. Totally silent, worked for me on many trips (this was important before I had an iPad to share the battery load, though it’s still good to have one for my iPhone just in case). The old model I have is no longer available, but they have a mini/microUSB model for some phones, and an iPhone-specific travel model.
Kensington’s been a solid accessory maker for a long time. I’ve been happy with everything of theirs I’ve bought. In fact I used their trackballs (Orbit for years, then Expert Mouse until Apple went touch control in Lion).
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