This is what you see when you go to (Sean Eldridge being the Democratic elitist carpetbagger trying to beat sitting Congressman Chris Gibson):
Multi-millionaire Sean Eldridge is running for Congress so that he can take his rightful place alongside the liberal elitist establishment in Washington D.C. that is seeking to return America to the one-party rule of 2008-10. Sean is hoping to buy your support in the coming 18 months and he put a big down payment on that purchase when he bought his new $2 million dollar mansion in Shokan so that he could run for Congress.
Sean is hoping that this run will propel him to greater things and that when he is old enough to be a Senator there will be an opening in New York or another state in which he could lay down some more of his roots and buy another mansion.
Nice to see the GOP going on offense. Also… hasn’t the DCCC learned by now to secure the potential websites for its candidates? Tsk, tsk, tsk.
Via Lonely Conservative, who also notes that the NRCC is doing an ad buy on this one in order to take control of the digital battlespace, or whatever the current trendy way to say “poking the Democrats with a stick” is.
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