There is a good deal of evidence suggesting it – Michael Steele is not canvassing for support, has no team in place to help him get re-elected RNC chair, and will have a conference call on Monday that many think will have his announcement that he won’t seek re-election – but at best it’s a suggestion, not a fact. Given the fiscal difficulties that the RNC is facing right now, it might be prudent for Steele to step aside and let somebody else take the reins. We’re going to need a strong focus on the twin categories of raising money and putting boots on the ground; so distractions at this point are not particularly welcome. And it would almost certainly be best if we had a clean break between the RNC of the past and the one of the future.
You may notice that the above paragraph is, if not conciliatory, at least not particularly inflammatory towards Michael Steele. That is because my primary goal is to get Steele to resign with a minimum of fuss and bother. I have no desire to lecture people – “Hah!” said he, cynically – but if your primary goal is instead to, say, get even… then perhaps you should keep quiet on this topic until you’ve mastered your passions, instead of the other way around. Yes, I know: horribly unfair, but that’s the universe for you.
Moe Lane (crosspost)
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