From the Mailbag [copy-edited.]

Normally, we present these unscathed, and in all their dubious glory, but sometimes… oh, sometimes.

From: “Brian Bauska (ComCast)”
Date: May 3, 2010 11:33:54 AM EDT
To: RS
Subject: 1/2 clips and 1/2 truths.

[I] [c]ouldn’t help but notice how the immoral[,] right-wing minority covets the news [Let us establish right from the start that there will be no copy-editing for sense, as there is none to be found here at all]. It isn’t [“]news[“] when you only report what you want to hear[:] [i]t’s called [“]lies.[“] But keep drinking that Rush Limbaugh and S[ea]n Hannity Kool-Aid. Because we all know [“]they got it[].[“] They know what America wants. Fox [“N]ews[“] knows all. That’s why it sells[:] [i]t isn’t news, it[‘]s entertainment for [both] the drop[]outs[,] and the Kool-Aid drinkers. [So, go ahead and [b]elieve EVERYTHING you[‘]r[e] [either] told[,] or read. That is the lazy[,] Rupert Murdoch way. Murdoch is your Stalin. He, like Stalin, controls the news. [He] [m]akes his money on liberal programs and sports (people who do not [“]believe[“] his twisted thinking), then [he] spends it on [a] [r]ight-[w]ing rag [Look, either the term should be capitalized throughout, or it should not be capitalized throughout].

You [right-wing]ers created this hell we call an economy since [when] Reagan wiped out the middle class [Remember: no copy-editing for sense will be provided]. Bush[] just finished the job. We liberals must come in and clean up your mess for the 3rd time in the past two generations [Remember: no copy-editing for sense will be provided]. Twice in this generation alone [I SAID: no copy-editing for sense will be provided] . [It is] [s]o sad that you can’t learn from history. [It is] [s]o sad you can’t learn. Or, at the very least, listen.y least, listen. Fox isn’is generation alone. So sad that you can’e middle class. [I believe that this is probably best categorized as “glossolalia.”] Bush[] [m]akes his money on li[es] […I think.  Why Bush and not Murdoch… right, no copy-editing for sense will be provided].

Good luck & God bless. But I hope [that] there is a [H]ell.


Brian Bauska


Bless his heart


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