
As Harris Continues to Fail to 'Get Her Message Out,' Left-Wing Media Absurdly Blame Same Ol' Same Ol'

AP Photo/Jacquelyn Martin

As Democrats continue to push the panic button harder and harder over Vice President Kamala Harris' dead-in-the-water presidential campaign, the sycophantic leftist media frantically continue to slather lipstick on the proverbial pig while blaming everyone and everything else for Harris' pathetic performance.

All the while, Kamala remains Kamala: seemingly incapable of cogent thought or meaningful extemporaneous conversation — two requisite skills for a successful campaign. 

This presents a significant problem for the Harris-Walz ticket, the Democrat Party as a whole, and the quasi-official Democrat media. What to do, they must ask themselves as they wring their hands. 

"What to do" with just 23 days until the election as I write, is what Democrats and their sycophantic media always do when things get tough: 

Blame Republicans, the "rich," and greedy corporate America while refusing to accept responsibility for anything. There has been no better example of "The buck stops everywhere else but here" in recent history than that of Joe Biden, and now Kamala Harris.

So as Harris continues to reaffirm that she's nothing beyond a hollow-pantsuit fraud, even when sitting for media-friendly, softball-question interviews, the sycophantic media is now coalescing around two paramount bogeymen to blame for Princess Kamala's lack of ability to "get her message out."  

Ready? "Racism," of course... and "sexism." Who'd a thunk it? 

Kamala Harris was all but crowned as the Democrat Party's presidential nominee after cognitively vacant Joe Biden was ousted in what amounted to a palace coup. Yet, just weeks or months earlier, the Democrat Party feared the mere thought of Harris as their 2024 standard bearer. After all, she has accomplished zero as vice president, won zero primaries or primary votes, and was virtually nominated by acclamation. 

Oh, did I mention that Harris is both a person of color and (checks notes) a woman? 

But— but— but racism and sexism!

Moreover, male Democrats were involved in Harris' rise at least as much as female voters, so how can the quasi-official Democrat media now believe that sexism and racism are to blame for her failing campaign? They don't. All they and the Democrat Party care about is low-information, rank-and-file Democrat voters believing that poor, put upon, Kamala is a victim.

CNN legal analyst and attorney Laura Coates, who happens to be black, joined conservative radio host Buck Sexton on Friday’s edition of HBO's "Real Time with Bill Maher" to weigh in on why Harris and her campaign are likely in crisis mode. After Sexton mused that it was because people associate Kamala with the spectacular failures of the Biden-Harris Administration, Coates incredulously claimed it was because Madam Vice President is a “woman of color” in a society that “has elevated white men.”

That is a profoundly ignorant claim, particularly given that Kamala is not only the vice president of the United Statesshe was also rapidly shuttled into her party's 2024 presidential nominee slot as untold numbers of Democrat voters across the fruited plain wildly cheered her on. 

So what's since changed, Ms. Coates? I got this one.

Even given the Harris campaign's desperate efforts to protect Harris from real interviews with real journalists, she has continued to prove her campaign exists entirely of word salads, vacant scripted answers that have zero to do with questions asked, refusal after refusal to specifically answer specific questions about her radical leftist policies, pretend flip-flops on everything from illegal immigration to Second Amendment rights, and of course she continues to lie like a proverbial rug. 

Note: There's nary a whiff of sexism or racism in any of the above realities.

Nevertheless, MSNBC "Morning Joe" co-host Mika Brzezinski whined mightily on Friday's episode of the ridiculous show, which she co-hosts with her equally Trump-loathing husband, Joe Scarborough, about poor Kamala's inability to "get her message out."

It's not just frustrating. "Frustrating is an understatement," moaned Mika. 

Brzezinski even said that only former President Barack Obama "is able to deliver a message [lie about] about Trump..."

There's no question ... that former President Barack Obama is able to deliver a message about Trump that doesn't appear to be breaking through in any other way. Like actually saying, truthfully, he is lying about this. He is lying to you about this. He is lying about legal migrants, Haitian migrants in Springfield.

Sometimes you just — it's... it's frustrating — that'll be an understatement — to see that not break through with, especially, Republicans or just decent human beings, who should be able to see the difference between right and wrong.

Memo to Mika: While I identify as a constitutional conservative rather than a Republican, and I'm fairly confident that I'm a decent human being, I'm very aware of the differences between right and wrong in 2024 America. 

And those differences, from the continuing illegal alien invasion and the associated problems that continue to exacerbate across America, to an ever-increasing cost of living, to the dangerous realities of Biden-Harris foreign policies, every one of those issues can be laid at the feet of Joe Biden and Kamala Harris.

Brzezinski also said, incredibly (emphasis, mine): 

[W]hat's what's the reasonable argument for Republicans who are supporting Donald Trump at this point, but there's a chance you can —I mean, it's country over party.

Unbelievable— yet not in the least. Does "America First" ring a bell?

Meanwhile, Kamala Harris continues to be Kamala Harris, and nothing can change that reality.


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