
European Diplomats Reject Kamala Harris' Claim That 'World Leaders Are Laughing at Donald Trump'

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During the September presidential debate, one of Kamala Harris' questionable claims (probable lies) was that world leaders are laughing at Donald Trump. It was particularly condescending, even for Harris.

World leaders are laughing at Donald Trump. I have talked with military leaders, some of whom worked with you, and they say you're a disgrace.

See: "Pot calls kettle black."

Welp, to no honest person's surprise, foreign ministers from European nations with close ties to the U.S. ties reacted strongly to Harris' claim — in some cases dismissing it outright.

During the United Nations High-Level Week, some European diplomats in attendance stressed that they have no view one way or the other about the U.S. election and will work with whoever wins — in other words, "diplomacy" — while others praised the former president and his administration.

 Italian Foreign Minister Antonio Tajani said, stressing that Italy and the U.S. are "two sides of the same coin":

We are friends of America. If Trump will be the new president of America, we will work with him as we worked with him when he was president of America.

During a 2019 White House reception for Italian President Sergio Mattarella, President Trump said:

Tonight, we celebrate the extraordinary friendship between Italy and the United States.  And we honor the faith, courage, and countless achievements of our incredible Italian-American community.  Those people in that community have done so much for our country.

We are grateful to be joined by a very special man — a highly respected man in Italy and far beyond — President Sergio Mattarella of Italy. (Applause.) And his beautiful daughter, Laura.  Laura, would you like to come up? Please, come up.  Please. Come on up, Laura. Thank you. Great.

And thank you both for coming today to reaffirm the powerful bonds between our people.

Now, contrast Trump's gracious comments with how a President Harris, the queen of ridiculous meaningless word salads, might conduct herself during a similar event. 

While foreign ministers of Lithuania and the Czech Republic stressed that they wouldn't interfere in the election by stating a preference and would instead "leave it to the American citizens to decide," Czech Foreign Minister Jan Lipavsky praised Trump’s "strong" message on defense spending, which he said he hoped Europe would continue to embrace as Russia's war against Ukraine continues. 

The point is that Donald Trump had, at his time, one strong message for Europe, and that message was quite resonating and is resonating more now because he was saying spend more on your defense.

My government is spending more on our defense. We want to reach those 2 percent of GDP, will be reaching them this year, and we will continue next year. So, (if) Donald Trump would be a president with this message, ‘Please spend 2 percent, we would be OK.

Lithuanian Foreign Minister Gabrielius Landsbergis stressed that whoever wins the election should focus on the same strong message of defense spending that Trump pushed during his administration. 

In the event that a left-winger or two is reading this article, do you see a pattern here? 

Europe, along with the rest of the freedom-loving world, wants and needs a strong U.S. president. While Joe Biden has been a mentally declining puppet whose strings are pulled by left-wing handlers, and Kamala Harris is clearly a hollow fraud who can't string together a cogent sentence that isn't scripted, Donald Trump is clearly the only rational choice in November, irrelevant flaws and all.

No European diplomat praised Trump more than Hungarian Foreign Minister Peter Szijjártó, who is currently the longest-serving foreign minister in NATO at ten years.

We have huge expectations because we do believe that many of the major crises which give us a lot of concern can be resolved by an administration of President Trump. 

I didn't really see anyone laughing at Trump. What I've seen many having fear. I've seen many being afraid of a U.S. president being honest, not a hostage by the liberal mainstream, representing a patriotic position, speaking clearly about America first.

Then the Hungarian foreign minister really heaped praise on Trump.

Under President Trump, everything was under control. Since President Trump has left office, the whole global security situation is deteriorating. So, I mean, these are experiences. 

If we base it on our experience, we say yes, from a perspective of U.S.-Hungary relations, I think President Trump would bring another impetus, freshness, dynamism to this relationship. And I think if President Trump is elected, I think the world has a good chance to become a more peaceful place compared to the current situation.

Contrast Szijjártó's comments with those of Biden and Harris, along with the quasi-official Democrat media, that Trump's "America First" doctrine is everything from xenophobic to the former president "embracing and channeling Adolf Hitler and the Nazis as part of his chorus of hate and plans to turn America into a type of Fourth Reich."


Left-Wing Rag Salon Rages About Trump 'Channeling Hitler, Nazism,' As 'Part of His Chorus of Hate'

Incidentally, Trump returned the favor to Harris at a recent rally in Savannah, Georgia, saying, “People are laughing at Harris” and that she "has bigger cognitive problems" than the cognitively vacant Joe Biden.

The Bottom Line

As was the case with Joe Biden's embarrassing presidential campaign, Kamala Harris' laughable bid consists solely of attacking Donald Trump with outrageous claims (lies). 

Oh, and silly incoherent word salads and her "campaign of joy."


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