
DHS IG Warns ICE 'Cannot Monitor' Unaccompanied Illegal Alien Kids Released Into US

AP Photo/Gregory Bull
As I began this article, I thought about the law of unintended consequences, which correctly suggests that people's actions, especially those of governments, in this case, can have unanticipated effects. These effects can be beneficial, harmful, or neutral, and may or may not be immediately observable. 

In this case, we're talking beyond harmful. So how bad is it?

Unaccompanied illegal alien children who are released into the United States by the Homeland Security Department and Health and Human Services — at the direction of the Biden-Harris administration — are “considered at high risk for trafficking, exploitation, or forced labor.”

Yeah, that's bad. All because Kamala Harris and the Democrat Party are hellbent on importing as many illegal aliens (future Democrat voters, they assume) into this country as they can get away with. And, hey — sometimes kids just get lost in the shuffle.

The Inspector General for the Department of Homeland Security issued a management alert in August to ICE (Immigration and Customs Enforcement) to make the federal law enforcement agency aware of the urgent issue: "ICE cannot always monitor the location and status of unaccompanied migrant children who are released from DHS and HHS custody."

Here's more from the management alert (emphasis, mine):

Attached is our final management alert, U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) Cannot Monitor All Unaccompanied Migrant Children Released from DHS and U.S. Department of Health and Human Services’ (HHS) Custody. This alert informs you of an urgent issue we discovered during an ongoing audit and the actions ICE has taken to address the issues. Specifically, we found ICE cannot always monitor the location and status of unaccompanied migrant children who are released from DHS and HHS custody.

Your office concurred with our recommendations in the draft management alert. Based on information in your office’s response to the draft management alert, we consider recommendation one open and unresolved and recommendation two open and resolved. We did not receive any technical comments from ICE requiring revisions to the report. We have appended your office’s response verbatim to this final management alert.

"We consider recommendation one open and unresolved," the alert stated, adding: “Without an ability to monitor the location and status of UCs, ICE has no assurance UCs are safe from trafficking, exploitation, or forced labor.” 

Serial-lying Homeland Security Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas was unavailable for comment.

Also Read:

Kamala's America: Border Czar Harris Has Lost Track of 290,000 Unaccompanied Minors

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In response to the alarming alert, Republican Sen. Chuck Grassley (Iowa) requested additional information from HHS about the department's "documented failure to protect over 291,000 unaccompanied migrant children (UCs)." 

Grassley wrote:

"The HHS Office of Refugee Resettlement (ORR)’s lax vetting has placed migrant children in grave danger of exploitation and abuse and makes locating these children after placement difficult, something I fear hinders the work of DHS as well. I won’t tire in my commitment to protect these children and bring about needed reforms to ensure they aren’t placed in the hands of traffickers and those seeking to exploit them."

Sen. Grassley obviously fails to understand that the Democrat Party — the self-proclaimed "party of children" — is far more concerned with winning elections by any means necessary than with protecting unaccounted-for illegal alien kids — kids who are only at risk because of the Biden-Harris border crisis.

Imagine that.


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