WATCH: 2019 Kamala Debates 2024 Kamala About 'Optional' Enforcement of Immigration Laws

AP Photo/John Minchillo

As anyone who's paid even a modicum of attention to Flip-Floppin' Kamala's growing list of 180-degree policy changes over the last month or knows, the unprincipled San Francisco leftist will say virtually anything to anyone in a desperate attempt to wheedle her way into the White House.


While conservative political pundits like yours truly are fond of pontificating on the above reality on a daily basis, I thought that this time, I'd go to straight to the horse's mouth for a perfect example. 

Actually, we're going to go to two different versions of the horse's mouth — Kamala Harris — one from 2019, and one from just recently. 

2019 Kamala bragged at a pro-immigration event that, as California attorney general, she told local sheriffs and DAs that enforcing our immigration laws was optional. But now, as the Democrat presidential nominee, 2024 Kamala continues to claim she was an attorney general who enforced the laws.

2024 Kamala: I believe there should be consequences — We have laws that have to be followed and enforced that address and deal with people who cross our border illegally. I'm the only person in this race who actually served a border state as attorney general to enforce our laws, and I would enforce our laws as president going forward. 

How phony and pained did Ms. Harris look as she forced those words out of her mouth? 

Now let's check in with 2019 Kamala on the same subject.

2019 Kamala: I actually, as attorney general, um, informed California law enforcement that ICE (U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement) that detainers (for illegal aliens) are not mandatory. I disagreed with it. That's why I issued that policy for the sheriffs and the district attorneys of California telling them that these were not mandatory.



So which Kamala looked like she was being truthful? Which Kamala looked more convicted? If you had to bet the proverbial farm on 2024 Kamala or 2019 Kamala, which one would you choose? Exactly. 

Kamala's whole flip-flopping shtick can be boiled down to this exchange with CNN's Dana Bash during the disastrous Harris-Walz interview:

CNN REPORTER: You said you supported banning fracking. Did it change?

Kamala: In 2020, I made clear where I stand. We are in 2024. I kept my word.

REPORTER: Why did you change your position?

Kamala: Let's be clear. My values have not changed.

There it is. "I've changed my positions but my values haven't changed my values."


Translation: "I gotta pretend that I've changed my policies on fracking, the wall, and stuff, but we both know I'll revert to form in a nanosecond if I win the election."


Could Kamala's 'Secret Power' Be Her Ticket to the White House?

Could America Survive As 'Kamalafornia'?

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The reality is this: Kamala Harris will be whatever you want her to be at the moment if she needs your vote. Moreover, she's in over her head and she knows it. But make no mistake: If this fraud wins in November, then 2019 Kamala will return with a vengeance.


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