
'Global Warming' Alarmist Al Gore All in for 'Climate Champion' Kamala Harris Because of Course He Is

Townhall Media

In this episode of Try to Control Your Shock and Amazement...

Veteran "global warming" fanatic Al Gore on Sunday predictably announced his support for presumptive Democrat presidential nominee Kamala Harris on the basis of her unwavering support of “climate solutions.”

Gore, who in 2015 said "climate deniers should be punished" and that politicians in particular should be made to pay a price for rejecting “accepted science,” sang Harris's praises in an X (formerly Twitter) post.

As a prosecutor, @KamalaHarris  took on Big Oil companies – and won. As @VP, she cast the tie-breaking vote to pass the most significant investment in climate solutions in history, the Inflation Reduction Act. That’s the kind of climate champion we need in the White House.

With so much at stake in this year’s election – from strengthening democracy in the US and abroad, to expanding opportunity for the American people, to accelerating climate action – I’m proud to endorse Kamala Harris for President.

Yes, there's so much at stake in this year's election — just nowhere near what Gore thinks.

Harris was no doubt giddy that the original hood ornament of global-warming hysteria decided to pass the ceremonial climate-fanaticism crown to her. 

Not to discredit Gore even further, but we're talking about a guy who, in 2017, told his climate disciples that God commands us to go forth and fight global warming. Gore told the faithful that God didn't create global warming, and he wants us to fix it. I was unaware that Al Gore has a direct pipeline to God Almighty.

Anyway, for your reading pleasure, here are a few of "climate champion" Kamala Harris's greatest hits:

Resurfaced 2023 Video: Harris Claims 'Climate Anxiety' Makes Young People Think About Not 'Having Children'

Kamala Harris on Energy Policy: America's Worst Nightmares Come True

Kamala Harris Endorses Green New Deal, Economy-Destroying 'Climate Change' Measures

Incidentally, lest you think Al Gore only has a screw loose about "global warming," as I reported in 2023, he went off his rocker, hysterically calling for a ban on social media algorithms, calling them the "digital equivalent of AR-15s."

If you have social media that is dominated by algorithms that pull people down these rabbit holes that are a bit like pitcher plants. These algorithms; they are the digital equivalent of AR-15s, they ought to be banned — they really ought to be banned!  

It’s an abuse of the public forum. But when these — when people are pulled down these rabbit holes — you know what’s at the bottom of the rabbit hole? That's where where the echo chamber is.

Let's be clear. Any conservative writer who publishes online, along with conservatives on Facebook and other social media sites, is well aware that algorithms are used to suppress and censor political content. It's part of the gig. But Gore wasn't talking about the impact of algorithms on conservative content; he was in a tizzy over possible manipulation or suppression of left-wing content. 

Hypocrisy? Indeed.

Then again, climate-concerned Gore —worth an estimated $300 million —flies around the world in his private jet, preaching to the rest of us about the "existential threat" of "global warming" and "climate change." 

And now, Al Gore has anointed Kamala Harris... in his likeness.


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