Bidenomics at Work: Small Business Uncertainty Reaches Pandemic-Era High, Inflation Cited As Top Concern

AP Photo/Reed Saxon

As Joe Biden and his flying monkeys in the quasi-official Democrat media continue to tell us the economy is clipping along at a torrid pace, America's small business owners are among those who beg to differ.


The National Federation of Independent Businesses (NFIB) recently released the results of a survey of small businesses, which found that small business uncertainty spiked to pandemic-era levels in May. A substantial percentage of small business owners cited continuing inflation as the top concern. 

Yep, Joe did that. 

Or, at the very least, Biden administration policies, coupled with the "Don't believe your lying eyes" shtick they've been trying to foist on the American people for more than a year, have only exacerbated public frustration with ever-increasing prices.

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NFIB keeps an “Uncertainty Index,” which spiked nine percentage points in May, hitting the highest level since November 2020, when the pandemic — and the government's overreaction to it — led businesses to shut down across the country.

NFIB Chief Economist Bill Dunkelberg said in a statement:

The small business sector is responsible for the production of over 40% of GDP and employment, a crucial portion of the economy. But for 29 consecutive months, small business owners have expressed historically low optimism and their views about future business conditions are at the worst levels seen in 50 years. Small business owners need relief as inflation has not eased much on Main Street.


Indeed, 22 percent of small businesses specifically cited inflation as their biggest concern, with the percentage varying among different types of businesses. 

"Price hikes were the most frequent in the retail (55% higher, 6% lower), finance (50% higher, 3% lower), construction (42% higher, 9% lower), manufacturing (42% higher, 12% lower), and services (37% higher, 6% lower) sectors NFIB said in its report. “Seasonally adjusted, a net 28% plan price hikes in May."

But regardless of the reality affecting tens of millions of hardworking Americans, people on fixed incomes, and, as we see here, small businesses, the Biden propaganda machine continues with its absurd "Emperor's New Clothes" propaganda. The Biden-Harris campaign contributions site provides a perfect example, beginning with a ridiculous title.


This, of course, is nonsense. 

Presidents don't build economies, just like they don't create jobs. The same reality applies to governments as a whole. While presidents and governments can pass laws and create policies that are conducive to economic growth and job growth — or vice versa, as in Biden's case — that is the extent of their impact.


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Here's just a bit of the continuing propaganda (emphasis, mine):

2024 will be a choice between two very different economic visions for America: Donald Trump, who sees the world from his country club at Mar-a-Lago, and President Biden, who sees the world from kitchen tables in Scranton.

President Biden is fighting to lower costs for middle-class families and build the economy from the bottom up and middle out to give everyone a fair shot at the American Dream, while Donald Trump is focused on rigging the economy for himself and his billionaire donors.

While we’ve made enormous progress, President Biden understands that middle-class life is too expensive right now. That is why he has passed laws to lower prescription drug costs, health care premiums, and energy costs. He will keep fighting every day to bring down the cost of living, because he knows there is more work to do.

President Biden has won hard fights to lower costs for working families.

Uh-huh. Like prices at the gas pump? The grocery store? Fast food? Sit-down restaurants? 

Please, Joe, tell us more. On second thought, don't. We've heard enough lies to last a lifetime.


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