Mayorkas Goes Full Stand-Up Comic, Claims 'We've Done an Extraordinary Job Dealing With Immigration'

AP Photo/Patrick Semansky

In this episode of The Pathological Lies of Alejandro Mayorkas...

Second only to the Biden Border Crisis™ itself, embattled Homeland Security Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas is best known for continually and absurdly lying about the crisis, insisting along the way that the border is "secure" and not "wide-open" — both of which are blatantly false, of course.


Welp, Mayorkas's latest effort blows his "secure" and "not wide-open" lies to smithereens.

During an interview with CBS News Immigration and Politics Reporter Camilo Montoya-Galvez, portions of which were released on Tuesday, Mayorkas claimed that the Biden administration has “done an extraordinary job to deal with an unprecedented level of migration,” and that the unprecedented levels of "migration" are due to other factors. No doubt "other factors" include Donald Trump. Right, Alejandro?

I'm not sure if Mayorkas is "just" a compulsive liar or a full-blown pathological liar.

In response to a statement and question from Montoya-Galvez about the widely-held belief that the Biden administration encourages illegal-aliens-to-be to cross the border, Mayorkas was adamant. 

That is false. If we take a look at migration, not just at our southern border, but in context, the level of migration throughout the hemisphere is unprecedented.

Mayorkas left out the part that much of the "migration" throughout the hemisphere is composed of future illegals making their way to the United States because of this administration's intentional lack of enforcement of existing U.S. immigration law.

Still, Mayorkas persisted, absurdly talking about worldwide immigration — all the way back to WW II — in an attempt to minimize the Biden Border Crisis.

[I]n context, the level of migration throughout the hemisphere is unprecedented. And throughout the world, it’s the greatest level of displacement, of migration since World War II. I think there are about 73 million displaced people in the world. 

The reasons why people leave their countries of origin are those with which we are quite familiar: extraordinary poverty, violence, extreme weather events, corruption, suppression by authoritarian regimes.


If nothing else, the guy's got brass. 

The reasons why people leave their countries of origin are NOT the responsibility of the U.S. The reasons DO NOT compel the U.S. to throw open its borders and allow millions of illegals to simply walk in.

As I reported on Tuesday, Democrat mayors across the country have done their damnedest to provide shelter and services to illegals who arrive in their cities, with Denver Mayor Mike Johnston going as far as to provide a "how-to" guide — “Newcomers Playbook: A Guide to Welcoming Newcomers into Your City” —  to help other cities convert to illegal immigration sanctuaries — at the expense of taxpayers.

Related: Denver Offers Insane How-To Guide to Cities on Converting to Taxpayer-Funded Illegal Alien Sanctuaries

Finally, Mayorkas went full-blown stand-up comic (emphasis mine).

We have done an extraordinary job to deal with an unprecedented level of migration, Camilo. The reality is that some people do, indeed, try to game the system. … And we deal with it accordingly. And importantly, the bipartisan legislation that failed today, for the second time, would have equipped us with more tools to deal with those individuals who seek to game the system.

Unbelievable— but not, coming from this lying guy, his lying boss, and the lying administration.

First: By what measures can Mayorkas claim that the Biden administration has done an extraordinary job at the border? Other than in ushering in as many illegals as they can, I mean.

Second: Illegal aliens have always tried to game the system. 


Third: The "bipartisan legislation" nonsense is an excuse for Team Biden to import as many illegal aliens (future Democrat voters, they assume) into this country as they can get away with for as long as they can. 

To believe otherwise is a fool's game, including believing the ridiculous lies of Alejandro Mayorkas.


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