As Ratings Continue to Swirl Down the Toilet, Mainstream Media Pushes Panic Porn Over New COVID Variant

AP Photo/Matt Marton

Imagine what life must like at CNN, MSNBC, and other left-“leaning” news outlets, these days. Donald Trump is no longer tweeting or making daily news, the COVID pandemic is in the rearview mirror, and the headlines being made by the occupants of the lead Democrat clown car — Joe, Kamala, Nancy, and Chucky — are hardly stellar.


And then, the ratings. Oh, those terrible ratings. Down the toilet they swirl, faster and faster, and before long, at their current clip, CNN and MSBC will flush themselves completely.

So, what’s CNN to do? MSNBC? The “failing” New York Times? Latch onto some other potentially bogus “crisis,” of course, and hopefully be able to sufficiently instill enough fear into what remains of their respective audiences to hang on until the next real crisis occurs.

Enter, CNN — AKA: “The Most Trusted Name in News”

CNN posted an article on Monday under the banner, “Unvaccinated Americans are at risk of a possibly more dangerous Covid-19 variant. These are the most vulnerable states,” in which the clear intent was to kickstart fear over the new delta variant for the exact reason I’m talking about. Just one problem: Like so many bogus CNN stories before it, this one might just blow up in CNN’s desperate face before it’s over — but we’ll get to that, later.

These three excerpts illustrate the intent of the story:


“More than 500 days and 600,000 deaths since the first person in the United States was reported to have died from Covid-19, experts have upheld vaccines as the key to reopening the country safely and containing the variants, many of which are more transmissible.”

“But some states — such as Alabama, Arkansas, Louisiana, Mississippi, Tennessee, and Wyoming — have fully vaccinated less than 35% of residents.”

“The Delta variant, which is believed to be more transmissible and cause more severe disease, could cause an upsurge in infections, but the levels will vary depending on the rates of vaccination in each area, said Scott Gottlieb, former commissioner of the US Food and Drug Administration, on CBS’s “Face the Nation.”

And of course the aforementioned “expert,” Mr. Gottleib, dutifully waved the vaccination flag as the “be all and end all” during his “Face the Nation” appearance.

“When we look across the United States, we see a wide variance in terms of vaccination rates,” said Gottlieb, who compared places like Vermont and Connecticut, which have rates of over 80%, with others that are struggling to get to 50%.

“Connecticut, for example where I am, shows no upsurge of infection, but Mississippi, Alabama, Arkansas, Missouri, show very substantial upsurges of infection. That’s based entirely on how much population-wide immunity you have based on vaccination.”


Did you have visions of another “expert” dancing in your head as you read the above quote? A renowned emerging and infectious diseases expert whose “science” and advice changed more often over the last year than most of us change our underwear? Me, too.

The CNN article goes on to cite various delta variant “facts” as “evidence” of the next COVID Armageddon, including this “chilling” stat from Springfield, Missouri: over the past four and a half weeks, the number of patients has risen from around 14 to 83. Eighty-three.

“This is another reason why those who are unvaccinated should be vaccinated as soon as possible,” warned CNN medical analyst, Dr. Leana Wen.

Last but not least, Murthy Edwards, CEO of CoxHealth told CNN last week that the Delta variant is “unlike others.” The key is get vaccinated, getting both doses,” he said.

“We can’t tell why one patient is doing poorly and one is doing well. There’s just something different about how this variant is affecting the immune system of our patients.”

Some short little guy in the background with grey hair, wearing glasses and a white lab coat — I couldn’t make out who it was — was furiously nodding in approval.

Let’s Slow Down the Delta Bus for Minute

If this pattern sounds exactly like the pattern pushed by the left during COVID Panic 1.0, it’s because this pattern is exactly the pattern pushed by the left during COVID Panic 1.0.


How’d that all turn out? What evidence or reason do we have that suggests a new panic would turn out any differently? Rhetorical of course; to the point at hand.

In a Wednesday op-ed titled, The Delta deception: New COVID variant might be less deadly, Daniel Horowitz, senior editor of The Blaze, captured the left’s intent perfectly.

“This COVID variant will be the one to really get us. No, it’s this one. Well, Alpha, Beta, and Gamma weren’t a problem, but I promise you ‘the Delta’ spells the end of civilization.”

That is essentially the panic porn dressed up as science that we have been treated to ever since the virus declined in January following the winter spread, which appears to have given us a great deal of herd immunity.

Despite the advent of the British and South African variants, cases, not to mention fatalities, have continued to plummet in all of the places where those variants were supposedly common.

Which is why they are now repeating the same mantra about the “Delta” variant from India.

As evidence of his observations, Horowitz included several recent headlines.

WHO says delta is the fastest and fittest Covid variant and will ‘pick off’ most vulnerable (CNBC)

Highly contagious Delta variant could cause next COVID-19 wave: ‘This virus will still find you’ (CBS)

Delta Variant Gains Steam in Undervaccinated U.S. Counties (Bloomberg)

The Delta variant might pose the biggest threat yet to vaccinated people (Business Insider)


And that short little guy in the white lab coat? “Shockingly,” he has also weighed in on delta; in front of every TV camera he could find: “Delta variant is the greatest threat in the U.S.”

“The implication from these headlines [and the short little guy in the white lab coat] is that somehow this variant is truly more transmissible and deadly (as the previous variants were falsely portrayed to be), Horowitz wrote.

“They escape natural immunity and possibly the vaccine — and therefore, paradoxically, you must get vaccinated and continue doing all the things that failed to work for the other variants!”

Horowitz goes on to present detailed scientific information, which includes a 0.1 percent case fatalities rate (CFR), noting the delta CFR is the same CFR as the flu and much lower than the CFR for “the ancestral strain or any of the other variants.”

“In other words, Horowitz concluded, “Delta is literally the flu with a CFR identical to it.”


The Bottom Line

I’m not an emerging and infectious diseases expert and I’ve never played one on TV, although I might have worn a white lab coat in a high school science class, but, I do know the left and I do recognize patterns when I see them.

Toss in the liberal media sock puppets and there you have it.

And when the left has “it,” it does its damnedest to hang onto “it” like a dog holding onto a bone. Including that short little guy in the white lab coat.


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