MSNBC's Maddow Asks Harris if She's 'as Mad as Everyone Else Is' About NBC Trump Town Hall

AP Photo/Steven Senne
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AP Photo/Steven Senne

The “mainstream” media meltdown continues in the wake of NBC’s announcement that it would host a town hall with Donald Trump opposite ABC’s event with Joe Biden on Thursday evening. Needless to say, CNN and MSNBC are among the more histrionic.


As reported by my RedState colleague Jeff Charles on Wednesday, the dueling town halls were scheduled after the second presidential debate was canceled, following Trump’s rejection of a virtual format announced by the Commission on Presidential Debates after the president tested positive for COVID-19.

Regardless of the validity of the reason, the hissy fits continue.

Nonetheless, you gotta hand it to CNN and MSNBC for one thing. Neither network even tries to hide its utter disdain for all things Trump and unquestioning support of all things Democrat Party.

As I reported in an earlier article titled Don Lemon ‘Outraged’ at NBC for ‘Rewarding’ Trump With Town Hall Opposite ABC’s Biden Event, CNN host Don Lemon on Wednesday reduced himself to hypocritical blubber over the Trump event. Here’s an excerpt:

“This is an outright embarrassing ratings ploy on behalf of NBC. And I am shocked and surprised that they would allow the president of the United States to do their programming and manipulate them into doing this. This is embarrassing.”

Unsurprising, MSNBC’s Rachel Maddow on Wednesday was just as “mad” about the Trump town hall. Also unsurprising, Democrat presidential nominee Kamala Harris appeared on Maddow’s show, no doubt to talk about the NBC decision.


More accurately, Maddow and Harris laughed hysterically over the event. At one point, after attempting to regain her composure, Maddow asked Harris, who was also laughing:

“Are you as mad as everybody else is that NBC is doing a town hall with President Trump tomorrow instead of the debate at the same time that VP Biden’s going to be on ABC?”

Harris: replied: “I’m not touching that!” — which caused Maddow to lean forward and clap her hands in laughter, as Harris again began to laugh out loud, as well.

“Let me ask you — different angle,” Maddow guffawed.

“Should the networks refuse to give the president other opportunities for airtime if he’s the one who refuses the chance to debate?”

“You know I’m not gonna tell the networks what to do but I’ll tell you who I’m gonna be watching, so there ya go,” Harris laughed.


Let’s play “Shoe on the Other Foot” for a moment.

What would have been the reaction from Maddow and Harris — with Don Lemon tossed in, just for grins — if the tables were reversed?

What if Biden had tested positive for COVID and the debate committee then announced that the second debate would occur in a virtual format, and Trump accepted the change but Biden did not?

Would the aforementioned lefties have skewered Biden? Not a chance.

Incidentally, Rachel Maddow and Don Lemon are hardly Lone Rangers over NBC’s plan to hold the event, of course. As reported by Fox News on Wednesday, various NBC employees have also lashed out at the network. Self-described “Actress, Writer, Producer, Trans Activist, Priestess” Shakina was among them.



While attempting to translate “Leftist” to “English” is often a tough thing to do, I have a few questions for Ms. Shakina.

Does she really think NBC would fly wingman for Donald Trump? Does she really believe her network is attempting to “stoke division”? If so, how would that benefit Biden?

Again, trying to understand the liberal mind is a slippery slope indeed.  Trump Derangement Syndrome is a terrible affliction. But it sure is fun watching their meltdowns.


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