Portland Police on Thursday night rushed into the street to clear Antifa members mourning the death of fellow extremist Michael Reinoehl, killed earlier in the day as authorities were attempting to arrest him for the shooting death of a Patriot Prayer group member on Saturday.
As we reported Thursday night, Reinoehl was fatally shot in Lacy, Washington, after he exited a vehicle and began firing at authorities with a rifle. Officers returned fire, reportedly firing 30-40 shots.
Andy Ngô, editor-at-large of The Post Review, tweeted video of the police clearing Antifa rioters from the street.
Portland Police rush out to clear #antifa rioters at the Kelly Penumbra police building. People there have been mourning the death of Portland antifa Michael Reinoehl, who killed Aaron Danielson last weekend. #PortlandRiots pic.twitter.com/eTuAmmzGDb
— Andy Ngô (@MrAndyNgo) September 4, 2020
Ngô was disturbed by some of the messages the “mourners” scrawled on the streets, including, “Long live Mike — the best ally ever,” with no mention, much less rebuke, of the dead man’s “murderous actions,” which Ngô said his fellow anarchists “praised, over and over.”
What’s disturbing to me is the message that calls Reinoehl the “best ally ever.” Not only do antifa not rebuke his murderous actions, they praise it over & over.
Antifa also put up a poster nearby featuring quotes from convicted murderer & fugitive Assata Shakur. pic.twitter.com/4EdZ8fsYA5
— Andy Ngô (@MrAndyNgo) September 4, 2020
Other disturbing messages scrawled on the streets included:
“PPB [Portland Police Bureau] Murdered Mike Reinoehl”
“You Murdered Michael Reinoehl”
“You Killed Michael”
“Blood on YOUR Hands”
Antifa black bloc outside the Kelly Penumbra police building in SE Portland wrote this everywhere on the street: “[Portland Police Bureau] murdered Michael Reinoehl.”
Reinoehl, the #antifa shooter, was wanted by police for killing Aaron Danielson. He was shot dead last night. pic.twitter.com/EE334rQz8X
— Andy Ngô (@MrAndyNgo) September 4, 2020
Astonishing, isn’t it? Then again, of course it’s not. These anarchists could not care less about Reinoehl’s murder of Aaron Danielson — they actually praised it, as Ngô said — sentenced to death for the capital crime of disagreeing with their anarchistic actions and demands.
The Portland Police Bureau outlined the violence in the aftermath of Reinhoehl’s death.
As the group marched in the street, several group members were seen wearing helmets, gas masks, and carrying shields. Support vehicles also traveled with the group as they moved towards the Kelly Building. As the group arrived at the Kelly Building, East Burnside Street was blocked in both directions and group members stood in the street. …
Some group members came on to the property, while others threw projectiles such as rocks and plastic water bottles towards the Kelly Building from the street. Group members continued to throw projectiles, some of which hit vehicles parked in the Kelly Building parking lot. Others were seen spray painting the west side of the Kelly Building.
Despite several warnings, the group’s criminal actions continued on. At 11:25 p.m., the group was told over loudspeaker to stop throwing projectiles towards the Kelly Building. […] At 11:58 p.m., targeted arrests were made of subjects who continued to throw rocks towards the building, parked vehicles, and officers.
At 12:25 a.m., a vehicle traveling eastbound on East Burnside Street, drove through the crowd, narrowly missing people in the group. The vehicle was later stopped by officers and cited.
Several support vehicles associated with the group were positioned in the street. The support vehicles’ main purpose were to block traffic. Some support vehicles did not have license plates and some had duct tape covering the license plates. Because the vehicles were left in the street to block vehicular traffic several of the vehicles were cited and one was towed.
The group was mostly dispersed by 2 a.m.
Portland Police did not use any crowd control munitions or CS gas.
As we reported earlier today, Reinoehl earlier this week contacted an independent journalist, and said he wanted to talk. The journalist then contacted Vice News, who sent two camera crews to record the interview, parts of which were shown on Portland TV Thursday night.
Reinoehl, who in the interview confessed to killing the Patriot Prayer group member, appeared to be at least delusional, if not full-blown psychotic. His description of his shot that killed Danielson is proof enough that this was one messed up dude.
“I’m, 100% anti-fascist. I’m not a member of Antifa. I’m not a member of anything. Honestly, I hate to say it, but I see a civil war right around the corner. That shot felt like the beginning of a war.”
One “interested party” who was eager to see Reinoehl brought to justice jumped the gun a bit Thursday night.
Why aren’t the Portland Police ARRESTING the cold blooded killer of Aaron “Jay” Danielson. Do your job, and do it fast. Everybody knows who this thug is. No wonder Portland is going to hell! @TheJusticeDept @FBI
— Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) September 4, 2020
While I understand the president’s frustration, it’s fair to point out that Mayor Ted Wheeler, who didn’t even get his “stuff” together after the anarchists burned him out of his condo building on Monday, has been far more responsible for violence in Portland than the city’s police department — which has been all but neutered by the far-left, Antifa- sympathizer.
As I reported yesterday, Wheeler’s response to getting sent packing by the very rioters he has all but cheered on was to fire off a tweetstorm, whining about Trump labeling his city an “anarchist jurisdiction.”
Ted — if it looks like a duck, swims like a duck, and quacks like a duck? Yeah, it’s a duck. And in this case, one of those ducks is now dead.
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