New York City Mayor Bill de Blasio. The hizzoner.
“Comrade Bill,” to some detractors, “Big Bird” to others, NSFW descriptors, among the most ardent of his opponents. No matter what you call NYC’s 109th mayor, he has managed to anger nearly everyone in The Big Apple at some point during his 2,413 days in office.
Including a NY U.S. congressman, but we’ll get to him in a bit.
One such detractor is New York Post columnist and Fox News contributor Michael Goodwin, who on Saturday penned a column “highlighting” some of de Blasio’s “greatest hits.”
In a word, Goodwin described de Blasio’s approach to his job as “apathy,” saying he’s the first of NYC’s 109 mayors who “doesn’t care about the city.”
Not all his predecessors were above average, but de Blasio stands out for his indifference. Nothing makes him tick.
Gotham, the closest thing our nation has ever had to the shining city upon a hill, is in a sharp and obvious downward spiral.
With dizzying speed, more than two decades of prosperity and public safety are crashing to a halt.
Persistent warnings that the bad old days were coming back were accurate, but in vain. The bad old days are here.
Violent crime is soaring, the homeless are everywhere, empty storefronts proliferate and people are fleeing neighborhoods that were safe six months ago.
“And de Blasio shrugs,” he mused, before continuing to describe the apathetic mayor’s reaction to the chaos that grips the city.
Goodwin ticked through a few examples of the harsh realities visited upon the city during de Blasio’s tenure at City Hall.
- A toddler get killed by stray gunfire and he says it’s “not acceptable.” For weeks, he blamed the rise in crime on the court system, then denied he said what he repeatedly said.
- He blames the dramatic rise in murder and gunplay on the coronavirus and the weather, but says not to worry. He assured reporters the situation will “turn around” thanks to the police and because “summer will be over soon.”
- He gets the worst possible press, his staff demonstrates against him and aides leave with a blast at his woeful work habits.
- Businesses are dying by the thousands, but the mayor doesn’t publicly shop or encourage others to do so.
So how bad is it, according to Goodwin?
“He’s so bad that critics have run out of words to describe how bad he is,” Goodwin said, referencing Democrat Rep. Max Rose, who represents Staten Island and parts of southern Brooklyn.
During a Friday appearance on Fox News’s ‘America’s Newsroom,” a thoroughly-disgusted Rose lit up de Blasio like an Antifa-torched New York City storefront. In classic in-your-face NYC style, Rose said:
“This mayor is not only the worst mayor in the history of New York City, he’s the worst mayor in the history of this great country.”
Ouch — that’s gonna leave a mark.
“A fellow city Democrat, Rep. Max Rose, was fuming during an interview about the mayor’s performance when he delivered an insult… De Blasio, Rose said, is the worst mayor “in the history of this great country.” @NYCMayor @NYCFirstLady https://t.co/rEQtec0JBM
— Michael Tammero (@FOXlightMichael) August 9, 2020
Rose blasted de Blasio over the issue of NYC schools reopening, saying: “They have not put out a plan for opening the schools.”
“They have put out a prayer, an outline at best,” he added, before offering a few suggestions on what the hapless mayor should be doing.
“There’s a few things that we should be focusing on here. The first is testing. There is no reason to say that every single teacher in New York City should not be tested at least every other day. We can resource that.
“Secondly, we should be pushing funds to our educational systems across the country to make sure that there is enough PPE [Personal Protective Equipment] as well as infrastructure for social distancing.
“But nothing can replace leadership, and I don’t blame anyone — to include teachers, parents, families — for not having faith in this mayor right now. It is an utter disgrace.”
Goodwin’s best example of not only de Blasio’s incompetence, but also of his utter hypocrisy, was the mayor’s bizarre declaration that “cars are the past,” while hyping mass transit, biking, and… um… hiking.
The other day, apropos of nothing, he said that “my advice to New Yorkers is don’t buy a car, cars are the past, the future is mass transit, biking, hiking.”
This is a guy who, pre-COVID, had his police drivers chauffeur him from his Manhattan home to his gym in Brooklyn.
But now he’s got that anti-car religion and pledges that “going forward, I will never buy a car again.”
Of course, even this is misleading. De Blasio didn’t buy the cars he rides in now, nor the one in his previous job, public advocate, where he used a city-owned car. So Detroit will not feel his personal boycott.
Finally, in reference to a Friday article in the New York Times titled Leaving New York: How to Choose the Right Suburb, Goodwin quoted de Blasio’s petty indifference to that grim reality.
“There’s a lot of New Yorkers who are wealthy who are true believers in New York City and will stand and fight with us, and some may be fair-weathered friends, but they will be replaced by others.”
Uh-huh. And how has the hapless mayor of America’s largest city fought whatever he presumably is fighting?
Why, by painting “Black Lives Matter” on Fifth Avenue in front of Trump Tower, of course, as I covered in early July.
“Our city isn’t just painting the words on Fifth Avenue,” de Blasio defiantly tweeted, We’re committed to the meaning of the message.”
Our city isn’t just painting the words on Fifth Avenue. We’re committed to the meaning of the message. #BlackLivesMatter pic.twitter.com/VE6MT80qDI
— Mayor Bill de Blasio (@NYCMayor) July 9, 2020
And just to show how “committed” de Blasio was, he painted another street, two weeks later, as record shootings raged across his city. Well done, Mr. Mayor, your symbolism over substance is damn impressive.
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