I gotta be honest. I’m still having a bit of a hard time getting used to Civil Rights Attorney Leo Terrell 2.0. A pleasant hard time, that is.
After all, this is the same Leo Terrell who used to get so worked up — at the drop of a hat — over whatever latest Republican “injustice” he was in a frenzy about, he’d rip off his mic off and storm off the set.
But that was then and this is now.
During an appearance on “Hannity” on Thursday, which also included conservative radio host Larry Elder, Terrell went off on Joe Biden over the gaffe machine extraordinaire’s latest racist comments.
Lest you’ve forgotten or missed Joe’s blast, here ya go:
“And by the way, what you all know, but most people don’t know, unlike the African American community — with notable exceptions — the Latino community is an incredibly diverse community with incredibly different attitudes about different things.
You go to Florida, you find a very different attitude about immigration in certain places than you do when you’re in Arizona. So it’s a very different, a very diverse community.”
.@JoeBiden: “Unlike the African American community, with notable exceptions, the Latino community is an incredibly diverse community, with incredibly different attitudes about different things.” pic.twitter.com/9FjE5g7BGH
— Reagan Battalion (@ReaganBattalion) August 6, 2020
Leo was livid, as only Leo can get, as he skewered Biden.
“Joe Biden is unfit to be president, and Joe Biden is a racist. Joe Biden has the mindset of a plantation owner. He thinks he knows how every black person thinks, how we walk, what we should eat.
Joe Biden doesn’t understand that black people are individuals. Condoleezza Rice and Al Sharpton are different individuals. We have a different mindset.
No one black person speaks for black America.
And CNN and MSNBC? They wouldn’t cover this today. Donald Trump is absolutely right. Joe Biden insulted every black American today, and he should not be president. He is the racist.”
Well said, Leo. And he couldn’t have been more spot on.
To Leo’s “black people are individuals” point, as I covered in early July, Snoop Dogg blasted conservative blacks as “The Coon Bunch.”
How “Black Lives Matter” of Snoop, eh?
In the same piece, I revisited that special time when Malik Zulu Shabazz, former Chairman of the New Black Panther Party, called then-President Barack Obama a “bamboozling buck-dancing Tom.”
Elder also got in on the Biden-bashing, telling Hannity that ol’ Joe “has been lying about his civil rights record for decades.”
“He [Biden] has been lying about his civil rights record for decades. He lied and said the NAACP endorsed him for every one of his campaigns. Actually, the NAACP has endorsed him for zero of his campaigns.
He lied and said he was arrested trying to visit [late South African president] Nelson Mandela.
And for decades he said that ‘I have participated in desegregating restaurants and movie theaters in Wilmington, Delaware. Zero evidence!
The New York Times looked at it and said, years ago, that his adviser gently reminded Joe to stop saying it because it wasn’t true, and he kept saying it anyway.
It just shows you that the Democrats think of black people as children whom the truth cannot be told.”
Biden tried to walk back his controversial comments on Twitter.
Earlier today, I made some comments about diversity in the African American and Latino communities that I want to clarify. In no way did I mean to suggest the African American community is a monolith—not by identity, not on issues, not at all.
— Joe Biden (@JoeBiden) August 7, 2020
He then went into the Democrat go-to, “Look at everything I’ve done during my career for the African-American community” spiel.
Throughout my career I’ve witnessed the diversity of thought, background, and sentiment within the African American community. It’s this diversity that makes our workplaces, communities, and country a better place.
— Joe Biden (@JoeBiden) August 7, 2020
Throughout my career I’ve witnessed the diversity of thought, background, and sentiment within the African American community. It’s this diversity that makes our workplaces, communities, and country a better place.
— Joe Biden (@JoeBiden) August 7, 2020
Guess who was there to say “Too late,” Joe, “Your comments are racist.”? You got it:
Too late . Your comments are racist.
— TheLeoTerrell (@TheLeoTerrell) August 7, 2020
The new and improved Leo Terrell 2.0 has been evolving over the summer. As RedState’s Nick Arama reported in June, Terrell told Hannity why he finally “stopped drinking the Democratic Kool-Aid.”
“This is why I stopped drinking the Democrat Kool-Aid. I can’t take this hypocrisy anymore. [….]
Richard Russell from the South was against integration. He was opposed to anti-lynching bills. That’s what bothers me about this whole thing, that Democrats, just because of the D in their name, they could be a racist.
That statement by Joe Biden [in praise of Russell] is so offensive and then you spike glee out there and say, ‘It’s okay.’ That’s offensive. If any Republican said the same thing they would be in trouble, big trouble.”
Terrell further blistered Biden by contrasting him with Donald Trump, a notion Leo 1.0 would not have even considered doing during all his “Kool-Aid-drinking” years as a liberal commentator.
“Joe Biden gave us the crime bill in 1994. President Trump gave us the first step. The bottom line is this: I don’t need the Democrats to insult me or try to placate me with African garb, Nancy Pelosi. Pass some laws. Pass some reforms. Show me something other than some kind of condescending act just because you’re a Democrat. That doesn’t follow anymore.”
Leo Terrell is on point about the Democratic Party’s Kool-Aid: pic.twitter.com/j4OBaOtwb8
— Beth Baumann (@eb454) June 14, 2020
Needless to say, it’s been a very strange year, folks. First the virus, then the riots, now the virus, again. To top it off, I didn’t even have “Leo Terrell becomes a conservative commentator” on my 2020 bingo card.
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