Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (D-NY) is not a happy camper about NYC Mayor Bill de Blasio’s announced $1.5 billion slash to the NYPD budget. As AOC sees it, the cut doesn’t go anywhere deep enough.
“Defunding the police means defunding the police,” AOC complained about the budget deal between the City Council and the embattled Mayor in an apparently-angry press release, Tuesday evening.
Defunding police means defunding police. It does not mean budget tricks or funny math. It does not mean moving school police officers from the NYPD budget to the Department of Education’s budget so the exact same police remain in schools.
It does not mean counting cuts in overtime as cuts, even as NYPD ignores every attempt by City Council to curb overtime spending and overspends on overtime anyways. The fight to defund policing continues.
If these reports are accurate, then these proposed ‘cuts’ to the NYPD budget are a disingenuous illusion. This is not a victory. The fight to defund policing continues.
Lemme translate: She mad.
AOC — of all people — accusing anyone of “funny math” is like Barack Obama criticizing Donald Trump for saying “I” too many times in a speech. In other words, Alex, you might want to sit this one out.
Thing is, AOC was already riled up at the Democrat Party over the “Defund the Police” movement, as we reported in early June, when she warned that they might try to “repackage” the Left’s anti-police efforts.
In a series of rambling condescending tweets, the erstwhile bartender went off on “lots of D.C. insiders.”
“Defund” means that Black & Brown communities are asking for the same budget priorities that White communities have already created for themselves: schooling > police,etc.
People asked in other ways, but were always told “No, how do you pay for it?”
So they found the line item.
— Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (@AOC) June 9, 2020
As AOC sees it, Democrat Party insiders are mostly concerned with “poll-tested slogans” and “electoral feasibility.”
Lots of DC insiders are criticizing frontline activists over political feasibility and saying they need a new slogan.
But poll-tested slogans and electoral feasibility is not the activists’ job. Their job is to organize support and transform public opinion, which they are doing.
— Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (@AOC) June 9, 2020
But like the good “activist” she is, AOC said the job of an important policymaker like her is to deliver “the public’s mandate.”
Our job as policymakers is to take the public’s mandate and find + create pockets to advance as much progress as possible.
Progress takes a team of different roles. You don’t criticize a pitcher for not being a catcher.
We can respond in ways that don’t undercut impt work
— Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (@AOC) June 9, 2020
“Mandate,” AOC? Whose mandate? According to a recent YouGov poll, only 16 percent of Americans are in favor of “defunding the police,” while a whopping 65 percent are opposed.
Setting aside mandates and pockets, and pitchers and catchers and stuff, how does one defund the nation’s largest police department without “undercutting important work”? That is, unless that “one” is the omniscient, ever-lecturing Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, of course.
And by the way, the fact that ppl are scrambling to repackage this whole conversation to make it palatable for largely affluent, white suburban “swing” voters again points to how much more electoral & structural power these communities have relative to others
Just for awareness!
— Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (@AOC) June 9, 2020
And there it is. Other than Donald Trump and the Republicans, “affluent white suburban ‘swing’ voters” are all that stand between AOC and her utopian pipe dreams.
Meanwhile, as AOC continues to fret, the embattled NYC mayor’s problems are largely of his own doing.
While de Blasio has had a testy — at best — relationship with the NYPD for years, he has also been besieged by protesters encamped in front of City Hall, demanding at least $1 billion in cuts from the NYPD’s $ 6 billion annual budget.
Needless to say, the cuts won’t go over well with the NYPD, which only promises to further erode an already contentious relationship.
As we reported in April, de Blasio came under fire from the NYC Sergeants Benevolent Association, who torched him for having encouraged New Yorkers to go about their normal lives as the Wuhan virus spread, leading to NYC becoming the ‘epicenter” of the pandemic.
NYC would NOT have been the epicenter if YOU didn’t keep schools open, tell people to go out enjoy the city, and the virus wasn’t something to worry about. If the city doesn’t have enough money, then put back the missing BILLION DOLLARS that your wife is unable to account for. https://t.co/C850PfkW9J
— SBA (@SBANYPD) April 20, 2020
It went downhill from there for de Blasio.
In early June, as we reported, New York Gov. Andrew Cuomo (D) blasted the Mayor after a particularly violent night of rioting in the wake of George Floyd’s death, saying “The NYPD and the mayor did not do their job, last night.”
Inside the NYPD, de Blasio has been accused of lack of leadership and “playing both sides.”
Meanwhile, AOC continues to do what AOC does best; whine about “mandates” and unfulfilled utopian pipe dreams, all the while oblivious to the reality that she has absolutely no idea what she’s talking about.
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