Trump Advisor Says Campaign's Post-Fulton Mood Upbeat: 'It’s Electric'

AP Photo/John Locher

After the Fulton County, Georgia, grand jury indicted former President Donald J. Trump and 18 co-defendants, a senior Trump campaign advisor told RedState that the campaign's mood is upbeat and looking forward.


“It's determined, it's electric,” said Lynne M. Patton, who has also worked for the Trump family and was on the staff of Trump's Housing and Urban Development Secretary Dr. Ben Carson.

“The morale has never been higher, and we are all rallying around this man who has sacrificed everything to save this country,” Patton said.

“Kimberly Guilfoyle said even John Gotti has never faced four indictments, and he was an actual mob boss at the same time, but yet, here we are,” she said.

Fulton County District Attorney Fani T. Willis, the daughter of attorney and Black Panther John C. Floyd III, led the indictment of Trump and his staffers, associates, and attorneys exploiting the state's Racketeer Influenced Corrupt Organization, or RICO, laws. These laws were enacted to prosecute mobsters, drug dealers, and terrorists, but Willis convinced the grand jury that the 2020 Trump campaign was a criminal enterprise.

Willis said she intends to hold the trial of all 19 defendants in March, right in the middle of the Republican presidential primaries. That decision is for the judge, who has to consider the three other trials awaiting the president.

Patton said the president continues to gain support in the polls, and it amuses her that supporters of Florida’s Republican Gov. Ron DeSantis are now comparing his lower position in the polls with Trump’s in 2015.

“Trump always had crowds. He always had energy; he always had enthusiasm,” she said.

"The comparison, like I've been reading online, and all these other places is just ludicrous,” she said. “DeSantis wishes he had Trump's 2015 crowds and energy; you just can't buy that.”


Patton said that she is disturbed by the idea that Trump’s rivals for the nomination are hoping the president gets taken out by lawfare waged against him and his supporters.

“These people are literally waiting in the wings in the hope that he gets convicted before the election,” she said. “Think about that for a minute; you're literally winning by systematic default and corruption? That alone is the worst possible statement on our democracy.”

The University of Miami graduate said it is hard for people outside Trump World to appreciate the bond between the president, his family, and those working for them:

It's crazy because I was talking to Ivanka's former assistant yesterday.

She was saying that she'll never be able to replicate sort of the comradery and the loyalty and the teamwork she felt when working for Ivanka and the family at Trump Tower at her new company.

People will never understand—and my voice is cracking—you know—because it, there's something about working for this family, and there's something about working for this man that a lot of people don't understand. It makes you just wanna see them succeed and do everything in your power to help.

Patton was for many years an assistant to Eric Trump, and she also worked for the Eric Trump Foundation. She said she had a conversation with the president’s son about why the Trump Organization remains in New York City, despite the Empire State’s Attorney General Letitia James targeting the Trump family and businesses. Patton:

James campaigned on convicting Trump before she even interviewed one employee or read one document.

Eric had the opportunity to move the Trump organization to Florida.

I mean, what businessperson in their right mind, after being falsely accused and falsely investigated for the last seven years, would not do that?

He told me that it would cause a lot of people to have to retire or quit. There are a lot of people who work for the Trump organization, who have worked for the Trump organization for decades, who have families here.


She said Eric did not want Trump employees who live in Westchester, Connecticut, or New Jersey and working on Long Island to rip out from their established lives to follow their job to Florida. 

She said the president did a similar thing when he sold the Trump International Hotel in Washington. He required the new owners to retain all of the non-managerial staff. 

“I actually just stayed there not too long ago. I used my points because I wanted to sneak in and see what it was like, right? All of the same employees are still there,” Patton said.

“When you think of it in those terms, that's what I'm fighting for every day when I wake up because they're continuing to fight for us and for people who don't even realize it out there in the United States.”


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