Scoring On Your Own Goal


Michelle Nunn has fired her primary weapon:  a TV ad running in Georgia featuring Dad, former Senator Sam Nunn.



Dad:  I may be a little biased…

Michelle:  I think you’re a lot biased, dad…

Dad:  But I know Michelle would make a big difference for Georgia, and for our nation.

I certainly agree.  A catastrophic difference.

An endorsement by the former Chairman of the Senate Armed Services Committee who voted against the use of force to eject Saddam Hussein from Kuwait in the first gulf war, and then regretted it, isn’t really about politics.  It’s about pulling at demographics.  Millennials don’t know Sam Nunn from Andrew Jackson, he’s just history to them.  The ad’s purpose is swaying some older undecideds to actually go out and vote for Nunn—Michelle Nunn.

Contrast this to David Perdue’s ad.


It’s so exciting to learn about Reebok, Nike and Dollar General.  How inspiring!  Not only is there no point to this ad, but it only reinforces his image as a corporate kingpin, an image that does not resonate with the average voter.  And it draws attention to the hollow accusation by Nunn that Perdue is a job destroyer through overseas outsourcing.  It doesn’t matter if the allegation is really true, it put Perdue on the defensive.


And…any mention of Obamacare, or even Obama?  Nope.  Nunn is running away from him and Perdue just doesn’t get it.

This is just another example of a GOP candidate shooting the ball into his own team’s goal.  It’s no wonder that RCP has the race as a tie, and we’ll likely see Georgia as the focus of Senate control…in January 2015 when we have the runoff.



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