
Dave Portnoy Scorches Dems for 'Hijacking' Democracy

Photo by Scott Roth/Invision/AP

Barstool Sports founder Dave Portnoy did not mince words when speaking about the Democrats' fake love for democracy. On Monday, he posted on Instagram what he thought about Biden being pushed aside as their candidate, Democrats painting Trump as a "threat to democracy," and whether he will consider voting for Kamala Harris.

Portnoy said:

I’m a libertarian. I’m very much pro-choice … I’m not religious really at all. So, there’s a lot on the Right I don’t agree with … but I...hate the extreme Left. And they are reminding me why I cannot vote for them, and I cannot vote for Kamala because not even that they are trotting out Kamala now and they whacked Joe Biden, just like I said they were gonna ... they hijacked democracy, no other way to say it.


He continued:

You know Kamala, news flash, ran for president in 2020. You know how many votes she got? Zero. Zero...And I guess she’s never going to have to get a real vote because she’s been hand-picked on purpose by the people who have been running Joe for the last 2-3 years. Now they are going to try to run her and trot her out. It’s disgusting. It’s a hijacking of democracy.

Portnoy is correct; the Democrats thwarted democracy to give their party a better chance to defeat the Trump-Vance ticket in November. We will see if it pays off, but currently, the polls show Trump leading in the swing states. If Harris and her running mate end up losing, it will likely create division between the Biden wing and party donors like John Morgan of Morgan & Morgan Law Firm and those who wanted Biden out and a younger person in. 

Putting that aside, when you have top Democrats like Adam Schiff admitting he thwarted democracy to have the best chance at defeating Trump, it's going to piss some voters off who don't align with the Democrat or Republican Party, such as Portnoy.

Portnoy added that democracy is at its lowest point in his lifetime currently:

You have said, ‘You don’t get to choose who runs for president; we do; a group of elite, small people are going to handpick and shove down your throat who you vote for.' Just admit that. But this ‘Democracy is saved’ and ‘America is saved,’ it’s the lowest point for democracy in my lifetime.

Just say you hate...Trump so much you’re willing to do whatever it takes to beat Trump, and it doesn’t matter what rights you steal, stomp on … you’re willing to do it.

This is nothing new for the Democrats. In 2016, the DNC and their cronies in the media did everything possible to help Hillary Clinton and hurt Bernie Sanders because they feared Sanders was making a surge and would challenge Clinton at the convention. Of course that didn't happen, and although his base was ticked off about the DNC's shenanigans, Sanders fell in line with supporting and campaigning for Clinton. 

It's true that there was no real primary in 2024 for the Democrats, but whoever voted for Biden was just denied their choice because the elites and left-wing of the party decided to team up and push him out. 

Portnoy also joined Fox and Friends to speak about his comments about the Democrat Party and George Clooney:

You assassinated, in a political sense, Biden. There's nothing funnier than all these Democrats, 'Oh, Biden, what a hero.' You pushed him down a flight of stairs, kicking and screaming. 

And by the way, I don't think George Clooney gets to endorse anybody. George Clooney's voting. When you're the laborers' union or the teachers' union or police department union, you can endorse somebody. When you're just a single guy, you're just voting for somebody. What do you mean you're endorsing them? What does that mean?


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