I just wanted to stop and take a moment today to say thanks to you, our loyal readers. At this time last year, RedState faced a lot of uncertainty as a site. And when Donald Trump appeared on the scene last summer, we had kind of a gut-check moment collectively about where we would stand.
A lot of other websites and publications made the decision, at least partially due to financial reasons, to ride the Trump wave as long as it would carry them. Many of the so called smart people when it came to Internet traffic said that the best way to grow traffic was to treat Trump respectfully and give him positive coverage. And definitely a lot of websites went down that path.
We, however, chose a different path. And you all have rewarded us. From the moment that Donald Trump was disinvited to our gathering last August until now, this site has seen an unprecedented period of sustained and uninterrupted growth despite the fact that we have resolved to tell the unvarnished truth about Trump without pulling punches. Last month was our biggest traffic month ever, beating our previous high traffic month (November 2012) by almost 50%. This month, we are beating last month by another 50%, such that we are going to more than double our November 2012 traffic this month.
I have to say thanks to my fellow contributors who have been churning out great quality content, but mostly thanks to you guys for tuning in consistently to see what we have to say. None of us would be here if it were not for you. We’re excited for what the future holds, including a major site redesign coming in a month that we think you’re all going to love.
Onward and upward together.
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