UPDATE: Protecting Jobs From Government Interference Act (H.R. 2587) Final Vote
Vote: Yea: 238; Nay: 186; No Vote: 9
[7 Republicans Voted Nay, 8 Democrats Voted Yea]
A House vote is scheduled shortly for the Protecting Jobs from Government Interference Act (H.R. 2587). Union bosses and their cronies in Congress are on attack, since the bill neuters the Obama National Labor Relations Board’s ability to kill up to 5,000 non-union jobs in South Carolina.
The following was issued on Wednesday by House Education & the Workforce Committee in response to union and Democrat demagoguery over the Protecting Jobs from Government Interference Act.
[On Thursday], the House of Representatives will consider legislation that prohibits the National Labor Relations (NLRB) from dictating where a private employer can and cannot create jobs. Critics of the Protecting Jobs from Government Interference Act (H.R. 2587) have touted bogus rhetoric in an attempt to discredit this sensible reform. The Education and the Workforce Committee is committed to supporting America’s workers and separating the myths from the facts.
Myth: Protecting Jobs From Government Interference Act will send jobs overseas.
Fact: For more than two years, the NLRB has advanced a culture of union favoritism at the expense of workers and job-creators.
Fact: The Protecting Jobs From Government Interference Act will prohibit the NLRB from dictating where a business can and cannot create work. By reining in the NLRB’s extreme authority, employers can have the certainty they need to create jobs, right here at home.
MYTH: Protecting Jobs From Government Interference Act eviscerates workers’ rights.
FACT: The NLRB has more than a dozen significant remedies at its disposal to protect workers and hold employers accountable. The Republican legislation preserves strong worker protections, while recognizing that forcing a business to shut down and fire its workers is not acceptable.
FACT: The American people need jobs, not an overreaching NLRB that is having a chilling effect on employers. The Protecting Jobs from Government Interference Act strengthens our workforce and helps keep jobs here in the United States.
MYTH: The Protecting Jobs From Government Interference Act is an unprecedented attempt by Congress to interfere in a pending legal matter.
FACT: This is not the first time Congress has intervened in ongoing legal matters. In fact, under Democrat leadership, Congress intervened in pending legal cases. Examples include the Lilly Ledbetter Fair Pay Act and the FISA Amendments Act of 2008.
FACT: The Protecting Jobs From Government Interference Act ensures no worker has to live with the fear of losing his or her job due to an overreaching NLRB.
MYTH: The Protecting Jobs From Government Interference Act is an assault on the middle class.
FACT: A survey by the National Association of Manufacturers found the NLRB’s complaint against Boeing will negatively impact the hiring decisions of 60 percent of manufacturers.
FACT: Democrats decry the loss of manufacturing jobs, but sit idle while the NLRB dictates where employers can and cannot locate work. Acting as a willing accomplice to job-destroying policies does not serve the best interest of the nation’s middle class.
MYTH: The Protecting Jobs From Government Interference Act is part of an ongoing Republican effort to dismantle the National Labor Relations Board (NLRB).
FACT: For more than two years, President Obama’s NLRB has advanced a culture of union favoritism that is destroying jobs. And throughout that time, Democrats in Washington have left the NLRB unchecked as it pursued its job-destroying agenda.
FACT: The Protecting Jobs From Government Interference Act is a responsible proposal that helps rein in the extreme power of the NLRB. This unelected board should not be able to dictate to private employers where they can and cannot create jobs.
To learn more about the Protecting Jobs from Government Interference Act, click here.
via Education & the Workforce Committee.
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