NLRB Plans Conference at Posh DC Hotel on the Taxpayers' Dime

Perhaps it’s because the union extremists at the National Labor Relations Board have 40% less work than their predecessors in 2001, yet have nearly $67 million more in their budget, that they now have money to blow on an August conference in Washington, D.C…Or, perhaps it’s because they seem immune from Congressional oversight.


Regardless the reason, in August, the National Labor Relations Board is apparently holding a week-long New Employee Conference from August 22, through the 26 in Washington, D.C.

In addition to the airfare, the per diem of $71 per day on full days and $53.25 on the partial/travel days, the NLRB has also booked its conference attendees into the Four Seasons.

Granted, the Four Seasons is discounting (to $157) its $595 to $795 per night rate for the NLRB employees, one wonders (in this age of skyrocketing deficits and alleged austerity) why the NLRB needs to fly its new employees in from all over the nation, house them at a posh DC hotel, and give them money for food is a mystery–especially when there are so many alternative means of conducting training remotely.

NLRB New Employee Conference

Gee, you don’t suppose unions will be out protesting this waste of taxpayer dollars, do you?


“I bring reason to your ears, and, in language as plain as ABC, hold up truth to your eyes.” Thomas Paine, December 23, 1776


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