If there is anything we as a nation have been reminded of in the past few weeks, it is the grim reality of abortion. The videos recently released discussing fetal tissue/organ procurement have shocked us to our core, but the truth is, abortion happens everyday. It happens all across our country. Little lives, at various stages of development, begin the day in the safety of the womb. After some paperwork and the appropriate payment, they are violently discarded, and perhaps harvested for parts, depending on what the need is in the mind of Planned Parenthood doctors.
In looking at the number of abortions on a yearly basis, daily deaths from this legal homicide are somewhere between 3,200 and 3,700. This fluctuates each year, of course, but until that number reaches zero, it’s not much progress, is it?
Despite the realities of this daily horror, I have seen many on the side of conservatism essentially shrug it off in favor of focusing on issues that matter “more”. Excuse me? The most basic of rights for us all is the right to life, and we cannot compromise in this area. Period.
Though I don’t agree with him in every instance, Todd Starnes of Townhall and Fox News wrote a piece recently that ended perfectly:
So here’s the bottom line: If the GOP can’t muster the moral courage to defund Planned Parenthood, they don’t deserve the White House in 2016.
I am with him 100%. We deserve the loss. If the calibration of our moral compass is so screwed up that we can’t defend the least among us – even if it costs political points, popularity, or reelection – then we absolutely deserve to lose. And if that’s the case, hopefully the pain we experience from that crushing defeat will kick and correct us.
Eleven years ago, as I was about to graduate from college, I had the opportunity to interview for a position with the Illinois Legislative Research Unit. I was fortunate enough to be chosen to interview from a pool of candidates. It was an excellent chance at a field I was hoping to break into, and the perks included grad school funding. When the time came and I entered the interview room at the Illinois Capitol, I faced about 10 people in stadium-style seating who proceeded to ask me questions.
I answered: “Again, I would refuse.”
Needless to say, the interview ended quickly after that, and I was not offered a spot. That incident has been burned into my memory as a moment when I was face-to-face with defending my beliefs or beginning a career I desired. If I could go back and do it all over again, I wouldn’t change a single thing.
When I see people, on Twitter or elsewhere, who identify as conservatives say regarding abortion, “the law is settled” or “it’s not my number one issue”, I am stunned. Jobs need to be created? Yes they do. National defense needs to be strong? Yes it does. Immigration needs to be addressed? Absolutely. But all these things pale in comparison to the holocaust that surrounds us, but just out of eyesite.
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