The source is al Jazeera; make of that what you will.
Sweden to expel up to 80,000 refugees
Al Jazeera | Thursday, January 28, 2016
Sweden intends to expel as many as 80,000 refugees and migrants who arrived in 2015 and whose applications for asylum have been rejected.
“We are talking about 60,000 people, but the number could climb to 80,000,” Interior Minister Anders Ygeman was quoted as saying by Swedish media.
He added on Wednesday the government has asked police and authorities in charge of refugees to organise their expulsion.
Sweden, which is home to 9.8 million people, is one of the European Union countries that has taken in the largest number of refugees in relation to its population. Sweden accepted more than 160,000 asylum seekers last year.
But the number of refugee arrivals has dropped dramatically since Sweden enacted systematic photo ID checks on travellers on January 4.
The mass expulsion was announced as Europe struggles to deal with a crisis that has seen tens-of-thousands of refugees arrive on Greek beaches with the passengers – mostly fleeing conflict in Syria, Iraq and Afghanistan – undeterred by cold, wintry conditions and deadly seas.
There’s more at the original.
Remember, Donald Trump is not the Prime Minister of Sweden, and Carl XVI Gustaf is the King, not Ted Cruz. Sweden is one of the more left-wing nations in the already-further-left-than-the-US European Union, and has openly welcomed immigrants and refugees for decades.
And that has left Sweden to become somewhat less Swedish. The population is now 16% foreign-born, higher than in the United States or the United Kingdom or Germany, and the Swedes, the most heavily-taxed people in the world, can no longer afford to pay the generous welfare benefits for the burgeoning immigrant population. Add to that the soaring crime rate be driven by the immigrants, and it’s no wonder that the Swedish people are saying that enough is enough. Rapes have soared 1472%, and while the left try to explain away the huge increase as not really having anything to do with the immigrants, those explanations probably don’t mean a whole lot to the women who have been raped.
It has been said that a conservative is a liberal who has been mugged. It looks like the oh-so-liberal Swedes have been mugged by the truth. One may have a lot of sympathy for the displaced refugees and their plight, but any normal person has a lot more concern for the safety of his family and loved ones.
Cross-posted in The First Street Journal.
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