Watercooler 10/20/16; Clinton Defends Partial Birth Abortion At Debate; Petition To Impeach Comey; Umass Now Has A Flowchart For Threatening Halloween Costumes


Clinton Defends Partial Birth Abortion At Debate.

I don’t know how anyone scored the debate, for me it all turned on a single question and set of answers that was abortion. Hillary Clinton flat out lied to America about this and defended the most indefensible of procedures.


“I’m going to give you a chance respond but I want to ask you Secretary Clinton I want to explore how far you believe the right to abortion goes. You have been quoted as saying that the fetus has no constitutional rights. You also voted against a ban on late-term partial-birth abortions. Why?

— Chris Wallace 10/19/16

Because Roe v. Wade very clearly sets out that there can be regulations on abortion so long as the life and health of the mother are taken into account. And when I voted as a senator I did not think that that was the case. The kinds of cases that fall at the end of pregnancy are often the most heartbreaking, painful decisions for families to make. I have met with women who have, toward the end of their pregnancy, get the worst news one could get that their health is in jeopardy if they continue to carry to term or that something terrible has happened or just been discovered about the pregnancy, I do not think the United States government should be stepping in and making those most personal of decisions. So you can regulate if you are doing so with the life and health of the mother taken into account”

–Hillary Clinton 10/19/16

What she doesn’t mention. Is that less than 1% of all abortions are done to protect the life of the mother and the later in the term it is the less likely this is the case and what is more important here partial birth abortions are NEVER MEDICALLY NECESSARY


It is never necessary to preserve the life or the fertility of the mother, and may in fact threaten her health or well-being or future fertility. In my practice, I see these rare, unusual cases that come to most generalists’ offices once in a lifetime- they all come into our office. We see these every day….The presence of fetal disabilities or fetal anomalies are not a reason to have a termination of pregnancy to preserve the life of the mother- they do not threaten the life of the mother in any way….[and] where these rare instances do occur, they do not require the death of the baby or the fetus prior to the completion of the delivery.

-PHACT member Dr. Curtis Cook, an ob/gyn perinatologist with the West Michigan Perinatal and Genetic Diagnostic Center

To describe this as anything but indefensible boggles the mind and stabs at the heart. We stand in the midst of a holocaust of immense proportion. Yet our leaders would sweep the corpses of innocent children under the rug while they vie for power. This wasn’t even in furtherance of her goal. She had no need to take this stance but she took it anyway and for the most trivial of gain. To have admitted she was wrong on this issue if anything would have gained her support. Instead she stonewalls out of perversity and sheer disregard for those that can’t fight for themselves.

So I don’t know how anyone else scored the debate but I know how I did.


ACLJ Circulating Petition To Impeach FBI Director Comey

The American Center For Law And Justice has an online petition to impeach James Comey up on their site here ACLJ: Demand Congress Impeach Obama’s FBI Director Comey

This is one of those issues where it’s important to be heard and important that there’s lots of people being heard about it.  Their outline of causes for seeking impeachment follows.

FBI Director James Comey has broken the sacred trust of the American people.

He conducted a faux investigation into the State Department email scandal. He handed out immunity and ignored evidence to protect the Clinton Team from prosecution. He put President Obama and Secretary of State Clinton’s political legacy ahead of the law.

He made secret deals to destroy evidence, thwarting congressional subpoenas. That’s called obstruction of justice. It’s a crime.

Emphasis mine. I would add that if we are to remain a nation of laws our laws need to be seen applying to everyone and in even measure. For far too long uneven and unequal justice has become the rule not the exception in this country. While this petition may not get far it will establish that there are people who are sick of a country of men not laws. That there are people that desperately want to see this change.

University Of Massachusetts Now Has A Flowchart For Threatening Halloween Costumes

I was always under the impression that Halloween costumes should be a little threatening and scary, or for those with the physiques to manage it a little titillating.  Well the quest to leach the fun out of a much needed holiday is still under way and our nations universities (who should know better are leading the charge. University Of Massachusetts, now has systematized determining how dangerous a costume is with S.C.R.E.A.M (Just goes to show it’s really hard to be completely humorless).  Unfortunately reading what scream stands for and how it works will likely freeze the laughter  in your throat, S.C.R.E.A.M = Simple Costume Racism Evaluation and Assessment Meter. Nice to see they have made racism simple. Lets see how it works



Is Your Costume a Person Or Thing Idea ? (we’ll take the yes branch)


Is the person your own race (Y)  —->   Threat level low


Do you have to wear makeup or a mask(N) —–> Threat level guarded


Does The Makeup or the Mask

Significantly Change your skin        (N)—-> Threat level guarded



Are you Trying to be Funny (N) —> Threat level elevated


Get berated by the flow chart for being insensitive.

Now lets see what would score high on this flowchart. A black woman studying science dressing as Marie Curie gets an elevated rating from the chart, the same would hold for me dressing as Chief Joseph (so much for honoring heroes). Now if you happen to pick someone who actually is or was funny say dressing up like Laurel and Hardy, a Luchadore, A character from Ghostbusters, prepare to be berated by their system.

It’s sad to see this as a nation we seem to be hellbent on torturing ourselves for sins none of us actually committed. When we start being able to enjoy each others differences again that’s when we will know we are recovering at last.

More at https://www.campusreform.org/?ID=8272

Quote of the Day

“Those who expect to reap the blessings of freedom must, like men, undergo the fatigue of supporting it.”
-Thomas Paine: The American Crisis, No. 4, 1777

Quiz: Are you smarter than an 8th Grader ? Well one from Kansas 1895 Maybe ?


Fun quiz this week and something really different. You will have to self grade as there is no answer key and even if there were some of the answers have changed over time

Drink up That’s it for the Watercooler today. As always it’s an open thread


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