Corey Stewart, who is the GOP nominee for U.S. Senate in Virginia, is underwater. There is no sugarcoating it, and even if I were a fan of Stewart (HINT: I am not), I find absolutely no silver lining.
The poll, by Quinnipiac, shows Stewart way below Tim Kaine in the polls – a deficit of EIGHTEEN (18) points. That, however, is not the punchline.
Women back Sen. Kaine 61 – 28 percent, while men are divided with 46 percent for Kaine and 45 percent for Stewart, the independent Quinnipiac (KWIN-uh-pe-ack) University Poll finds. White voters go Democratic 49 – 42 percent. Non-white voters go Democratic 66 – 20 percent.
Stewart takes Republicans 83 – 7 percent. Kaine leads 94 – 1 percent among Democrats and 54 – 34 percent among independent voters.
Virginia voters approve 55 – 36 percent of the job Kaine is doing and give him a 51 – 33 percent favorability rating. Stewart gets a divided 28 – 30 percent favorability, with 39 percent who don’t know enough about him to form an opinion of him.
Stewart is losing white voters, men, women, and can’t even claim a totally unified GOP behind him, and all of that is with no name recognition whatsoever.
That’s not good for him, and he is not going to be able to define himself. Tim Kaine will do that for him. Kaine is going to point out Stewart’s history of flirting with and endorsing white supremacists, and run that in ads statewide, tying Stewart and those same white supremacists to President Donald Trump.
And that’s the key word here: Statewide. There are several congressional races that are fairly close or have Republicans fighting for their jobs, and Kaine’s attacks on Stewart can double as attacks on every Republican running for federal office in the state.
As I said the night he was nominated, the GOP decided to go ahead and lose the race. Jim Jamitis points out that Stewart’s nomination is scaring away the big money donors in Virginia.
We have always known that elections have consequences. However, we also have to note that nominations have consequences, and the consequences for bad candidates will result not just in their losses, but greater casualties across the board.
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