MMA Fighters Weigh In on Meryl Streep Speech

Meryl Streep’s speech at the Golden Globes has caused a nationwide stir, and her attack on football and Mixed Martial Arts (MMA) have created a lot of blowback. Especially from the MMA community.


Many fighters have now come out and pushed-back against Streep. Dana White, President of UFC, spoke to TMZ on the subject:

Of course it’s an art. These fighters, these men and women are so talented…saying something stupid like that is like saying…she’s not a talented actress which she is.

We have fighters from all over the world…She’s not educated about the sport and that was a completely uneducated comment.

MMA promoter Scott Coker added his own comment on Twitter.

And MMA fighter Georgi Karakhanyan added his definition of art.


Streep’s comments attacked two institutions that regularly draw millions of fans any night they’re broadcast on cable, and they are becoming increasingly popular. MMA’s conversion to mainstream culture is as incredible now as professional wrestling’s breakthrough was years ago.

On a somewhat related note, last night’s National Championship Game between Clemson and Alabama was one of the most exciting games I’ve seen in a very long time. Streep probably didn’t watch it, but then again I’m struggling to recall the last time multitudes of movie fans were at home shouting and posting to social media in all caps over Mama Mia or The Devil Wears Prada.


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