Tuesday 'Toon: Joe Biden Made a BooBoo

The nagging presumption that Joe Biden isn’t capable of tying his shoes let alone running the country isn’t new. Anyone with a pair of eyeballs can see that Joe the “CornPop” slayer seems to “think” about every step he takes before he takes it. Joe walks like a mechanical man. His night nurse, Jill, knew years ago that her husband was in decline but she wanted to live in the White House more than she cared about her husband or the country. Joe’s a wreck


Now “rumors” of Joe Biden being fed chemicals are bubbling to the surface. It’s rather clear that the DNC wants him gone. Joe’s “coattails” are millstones dragging the Democrats down. Biden will, soon enough, freeze in public. It will look like someone flipped the off switch. He might be eating another cone of vanilla and he’ll forget how to swallow. The Democrats will blame a “brain freeze.” They won’t be far from the truth.


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