Saturday Cartoon: Bidens Release Their Tax Returns - It's the Tip of the 'Big Guy's' Iceberg

New York Post Cover Hunter Biden,

The media was excited about the Bidens releasing their tax returns on Friday. “Trump never did,” they said. The difference of course is that Trump didn’t have a bagman for a son.


The Big Guy’s reported income composed almost entirely of taxpayer money in the form of federal pension, SS benefits, his presidential salary and Dr Jill’s $67,000 for teaching. Between leaving leaving office in 2017 and the end of 2020, the Bidens reported $16.5 million in income. Most of their reported incomes were from Joe and Jill’s books — that no one read — and Joe’s speaking fees. It might be hard to imagine Joe getting paid to speak, but he did.

While Joe was looking at a teleprompter, making up lies about being a professor, a truck driver, a candlestick maker, his drug-addled (“the smartest guy I know”) son was making multiples of millions to feed his alleged prostitution and drug habit, and for some dude known as “the Big Guy.” We officially don’t know who that refers to; like we don’t know “officially” that the moon isn’t made of Swiss cheese but I have a pretty good guess it’s not.

Politico was giddy about the reported income. It detailed all the line-items. In the most recent return, the Bidens reported $17,394 in charitable giving. That’s a massive change from his vice presidency. In 2008, Joe and his wife found some loose change in Hunter’s couch and coughed up $369 to charity.


Politico also added this:

They were also hit by the $10,000 cap on state and local tax deductions imposed by Republicans as part of the 2017 tax cuts.

Not sure why Politico thought that was a bug and not a feature.

In reality, the Bidens’ tax return is an iceberg. We can see their ‘reported’ income. Mobster Al Capone was brought down because he didn’t report his “Big Guy” income. The water-carriers in the media will point to the Bidens’ reported income as a “breath of fresh air.” But below the surface lies the real Biden syndicate income, with the titular head of the Hunter money-machine being Joe, hiding 90 percent of what was made. Somewhere in the inky depths, the Chinese can see it–all of it. They know everything. How much was in the bags of money for  “the Big Guy”?

We don’t know — at least for now. But it’s super important to report, once again: Trump never released his tax returns.


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