Tuesday Cartoon: A Biological Male Is a USA TODAY 'Woman of the Year'

USA TODAY has published its Women of the Year list, and one of the honorees is a biological male.


Admiral Pronouns is an undersecretary of HHS. Levine is, undoubtedly, on the list not because Levine was born a woman, but because Levine wasn’t born a woman. Nothing more. In the ever-increasing effort of the left to erase actual women, a person who wasn’t a woman for most of that person’s life is now an “honoree” as a Woman of the Year.

Who was USA TODAY’s first honoree?

The front-runner for the worst politician in human history. A woman who cannot go a day without stepping on a rake, or cackling uncontrollably at the most inappropriate times, and is a mass murderer of the English language. The one and only, Kamala Harris. Her honor isn’t quite as ridiculous as Barack Obama winning a Nobel for breathing, but she’ll take it.

If you have the stomach, you can read the list here.


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