
Is Kamala Harris a Christian?

AP Photo/Matt Rourke

When 19th-century American writer Charles Dudley Warner coined the expression, “Politics makes strange bedfellows,” one wonders if he also noted that faith and politics are far more likely to be polar opposites than bedfellows. Granted, professions of faith are not uncommon in politics, ofttimes from curious sources. It is in the carrying out of faith’s dictums where things rapidly spin off their axis. 

For example, Nancy Pelosi and Joe Biden regularly flaunt their Catholicism. However, given their fierce support for abortion, a stance directly conflicting with the church’s teachings regarding the sanctity of an unborn child’s life, it is clear any adherence to what they profess to believe remains seated in whichever pew they occupied while attending Mass on Sunday. 

Without passing judgment on another person’s relationship with Jesus, as only He truly knows every individual’s heart, it is fair to apply literal Biblical teachings to someone’s life for the purpose of determining whether they are at least attempting to live their life as He commands those who believe in Him to conduct themselves. With this backdrop, we look at the question: is Kamala Harris a Christian?

Although Harris herself has never made an explicit declaration of her beliefs, the mainstream media has been quick to assert she is, in fact, a Christian. In July 2024, the Associated Press ran a puff piece insisting Harris is a Christian under the title, “Kamala Harris: A Baptist with a Jewish husband and a faith that traces back to MLK and Gandhi.” October 2024 found the New York Times chiming in with “Harris’s Faith, Inside and Outside the Black Church.”

What neither story contains is, as noted above, a definitive statement from Harris regarding her beliefs. Unlike the AP, the NYT made an effort to find out:

A spokesman for the Harris campaign did not respond to a list of detailed questions about the candidate’s faith and spiritual life.

Both stories rely exclusively on professional and personal acquaintances to assert Harris’ faith. While the Scriptures state that the testimony of others is critical in discerning truth about someone's behavior, as noted by the apostle Paul in 1 Corinthians when he quotes from Deuteronomy

“Every matter must be established by the testimony of two or three witnesses.”

This does not apply to determining personal belief. As Paul noted in Romans:

If you declare with your mouth, “Jesus is Lord,” and believe in your heart that God raised him from the dead, you will be saved. For it is with your heart that you believe and are justified, and it is with your mouth that you profess your faith and are saved.

Certainly, how one conducts himself or herself is a strong indicator of said individual’s belief system. It is not a determining factor, as even the most casual perusal of Scripture indicates. We know what transpired between and regarding David and Bathsheba. Yet from this came King Solomon.

That said, while salacious stories gather the most immediate attention — and need we rehash Harris’ past transgressions? — it is the contemporary beliefs and practices that are the most troubling in regard to any connection between Harris and Jesus. As Streiff highlighted in 2022 regarding an abortion-restrictive law passed in Florida:

Vice President Kamala Harris, the first woman to hold her role, issued her own statement later in the day that called the Florida legislation unconstitutional in anticipation of coming court fights. The Florida bill follows an even more aggressive law passed by Texas last year that restricts abortion after just six weeks.

“The right of women to make decisions about their own bodies is non-negotiable. If signed into law, Florida’s bill would violate the constitutional right to abortion that the Supreme Court has recognized for nearly 50 years. It will block access to crucial reproductive health care for Floridians, with a particular impact on low-income communities, communities of color, and rural communities,” Harris said in the statement.

“Unconstitutional abortion bans and other bills that will dramatically reduce access to reproductive care are pending in state legislatures across the country. These efforts only strengthen our resolve: The Biden-Harris administration will continue to do everything in our power to protect access to healthcare and defend a woman’s right to make decisions about her body and determine her future.”

In October 2024, Teri Christoph noted Harris’ commitment to abortion rights trumping all other beliefs, including religious ones.

She's your average Democrat extremist who wants no restrictions on abortion. Her own running mate, Tim Walz, signed an abortion bill into law in Minnesota in 2023 in which he removed the requirement to offer life-saving care to babies who survive abortion attempts. Pretty sick stuff.

What is concerning is Harris' comments about not providing any religious exemptions for abortion, which proves that she will place the destruction of human life over the religious freedom protections provided in the Constitution. We've been down this road before, with leftists continuously pushing the boundaries on abortion, taking it from "safe, legal and rare" to murdering full-term babies at will, even if the baby is just days from birth.

It is unconscionable for a Christian to support abortion. Every — every — person who has been, or is to be, born is known by God and declared to be an individual. As David wrote in the Psalms:

For you created my inmost being;
you knit me together in my mother’s womb.

We also have God’s word as given to the prophet Jeremiah:

“Before I formed you in the womb I knew you,
before you were born I set you apart;
I appointed you as a prophet to the nations.”

If life is not sacred, nothing is sacred.

I do not hate Harris, nor do I believe she has a Jezebel spirit. It is clear her words and actions are in direct violation of Scripture. While this in and of itself does not clearly state she is not a Christian, as rare indeed is the believer who, in some corner of their life, does not live contrary to Biblical dictates regarding how Jesus commands His followers to live, such open and willful stances are troubling.

Kamala Harris may well be a Christian. That is known solely to God. What is statable without hesitation is that should she be one, she is in dire need of reflection, repentance, and as Paul wrote in Romans: "Do not conform to the pattern of this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind. Then you will be able to test and approve what God’s will is — his good, pleasing and perfect will."

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