As everybody’s seen by now, former Vice President Joe Biden has selected Sen. Kamala Harris (D-CA) as his running mate on the Democratic ticket. Harris, the former California Attorney General, has also served as the San Francisco District Attorney and has amassed quite a record of civil rights violations and general terribleness. Here are some of the highlights that we’ve covered here at RedState, in addition to her well-known aggressive policing policies that are definitely not popular with the Black Lives Matter devotees running the progressive left in 2020.
Kamala is fond of using prisoners for cheap labor.
In 2011 the United States Supreme Court ruled in a class-action suit brought by inmates that severe overcrowding in California’s state prisons was tantamount to “cruel and unusual punishment” and ordered the state to reduce its prison population. Kamala Harris, as the state’s Attorney General, fought to make non-violent second strikers ineligible for parole because:
“Most of those prisoners now work as groundskeepers, janitors and in prison kitchens, with wages that range from 8 cents to 37 cents per hour. Lawyers for Attorney General Kamala Harris argued in court that if forced to release these inmates early, prisons would lose an important labor pool.”
Harris’ office also tried to argue that releasing the inmates would hurt the state during fire season:
“Extending 2-for-1 credits to all minimum custody inmates at this time would severely impact fire camp participation—a dangerous outcome while California is in the middle of a difficult fire season and severe drought.”
Kamala protected pedophile Catholic priests

As San Francisco District Attorney, Kamala refused to turn over San Francisco Archdiocese files in her office’s possession that “contain details of how the church dealt internally with alleged pedophile priests going back as far as 80 years.”
Kamala Used the CADOJ as Her Personal Political Intimidation Force

Harris ordered a pre-dawn raid of Center for Medical Progress founder David Daleiden’s home after his organization shined a bright light on Planned Parenthood’s despicable practice of selling baby parts. Daleiden says the raid came “at the urging of Planned Parenthood, the National Abortion Federation, and StemExpress, a fetal tissue procurement company with deep ties to the professional abortion industry. While running for U.S. Senate, Harris had a secret in-person meeting with Planned Parenthood executives in Los Angeles…to discuss issues in the investigation as part of Planned Parenthood’s political agenda in California. Two weeks later, Daleiden’s home was raided by the California Department of Justice.”
Daleiden’s case is just one example of the way Harris abused her position as the state’s chief law enforcement officer; more examples will be forthcoming.
Kamala’s CADOJ Paid Out $1.1 Million to Settle Sexual Harassment Claims

The biggest settlement, nearly $650,000, was made in 2013 to a special agent with the DOJ who’d been awarded $500,000 by a jury in 2010 “after [it] determined that the DOJ had failed to take reasonable steps to prevent retaliation or harassment against him.” Many of those who’d filed claims cited the culture of fear and retaliation Harris perpetuated.
Kamala Protected Illegal Aliens Who’d Killed Californians

Kamala Harris was San Francisco District Attorney in November 2010, when Don Rosenberg’s son, Drew, was murdered by a man who was in the country illegally and who had been arrested previously for driving without a license. (He still had a vehicle after that initial offense because of a policy Harris instituted.) Kamala’s office oversaw the “prosecution” of Roberto Galo, who eventually spent less than 45 days in jail as punishment for taking an innocent life.
Drew wasn’t the only person to lose his life because of Harris’ horrible policies; he’s simply one example.
And here we get down to what may be the real reason Team Biden was turned on by Harris’ background.
Kamala Ignores #MeToo Victims in Her Own Office

Though Harris grilled now-Justice Brett Kavanaugh during his confirmation hearings, constantly claims to be “fighting for women,” and claimed to believe Joe Biden’s accusers (at one point, anyway), Harris didn’t stand up and fight for a woman who worked in Harris’ California DOJ as an executive assistant – probably because the man accused of sexual harassment was one of Harris’ long-time henchmen. The woman, Danielle Hartley, was awarded $400,000 in a settlement in 2018.
This list is far from exhaustive; stay tuned.
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