There is no shortage of “medical” information out there on how to prevent or treat coronavirus infections. For the most part, when political candidates or elected officials speak to the voters they defer to the medical experts since most politicians are not medical doctors (nor do they play one on TV).
California Assembly candidate Steve Fox, a Democrat running in the Antelope Valley area of northern Los Angeles County, didn’t get that memo, and apparently his consultants didn’t either. Fox, a former Assemblyman who also served on the board of Antelope Valley Hospital, has posted two videos to his campaign Facebook page promoting some unorthodox ways for people to avoid getting sick.
On March 23 he posted this video, from the hospital lobby no less, claiming that since heat kills viruses people should use hair dryers to kill coronavirus. Really.
In this video he didn’t really explain HOW to use the hair dryer, though. He said:
Also, heat affects the virus as it kills a lot. It’s a temporary solution. If you’ve got a blow dryer, as strange as that sounds…you’ve gotta take care of killing whatever germs you can. In this case it’s a virus.
Perhaps he got a little ahead of himself and was too focused on making sure he worked all of the “vote for me” verbiage in. He continued:
It’s really important that you take care of yourself and allow me to go into state government, to use the resources of the state, to make sure there’s inoculations for us in the future…we need to take care of your health. Join me. Vote Steve Fox. Check the box for Fox in the November election.
A few weeks later, on April 10, Fox posted another video promoting the use of a hair dryer to kill the virus, but clarified its use and adding a few more helpful tips and tricks.
Fox started the video by saying he had just received a call from the hospital with the news that one of his friends, who was only 38, had passed away due to coronavirus. His first thought was to pass on more terribly unscientific information to his former constituents and beg for their vote. He said, in part:
There is no cure right now. There is no inoculation. But what we can do is to ensure that the hospitals are not overwhelmed with too many people. The way we do it is we slow down who gets sick when, so the hospitals will be ready to take care of us….
They also say that viruses die from heat, so if a simple thing like your nasal cavity or your nose starts hurting or you think you’re catching something, use a hair blower, use a heater, and breathe into it. It’ll kill all or some of the virus, if it hasn’t already taken ahold in you.
They also say that if we drink a lot of liquids we can wash down the virus into our stomach where it’s going to get killed….
Believe it or not, simple things like this are gonna help. If you don’t do it, then we’re all asking for trouble.
Who are “they”? Fox doesn’t say, and these recommendations have not been given by the Centers for Disease Control.
It’s mind-boggling that Fox closes each video by asking people to send him back to Sacramento so he can continue to fight for them, but Republicans should thank him for making his lack of intellectual capability crystal clear.
The mainstream media have worked overtime to pooh-pooh and dismiss hydroxychloroquine as a treatment for coronavirus, even though it has proven effective in numerous cases, simply because President Trump recommended it. “They” label people who request or promote this treatment as low-info quacks who deny science. “They” tell Trump to stay in his lane since he’s a politician and not a medical professional, and to listen to the experts.
“They” should light into Steve Fox, who is far more deserving of their ire, for promoting these preventative measures as if they’re rooted in science. But they won’t. Because he’s a Democrat.
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