FINALLY, An Incredible Father's Day Gift for Veteran David Brayton

We’ve covered California veteran David Brayton’s lung transplant journey for over a year now, as he first fought for and received approval from the Veterans Administration to have the surgery performed locally, then fought an initial denial from UCLA (after months of waiting), and then through the agony of waiting for a lung.


At 6 a.m. Saturday morning David received a call from UCLA that a lung was available – the fifth such call he’d received. The first time he received such a call, he and his wife, Courtney, excitedly rushed to UCLA and prepped for surgery only to find that it was a “dry lung.” It’s rare that donor lungs end up being unusable, but it happened three more times.

Saturday’s call ended up being the lucky one! Courtney went on Facebook Live to share the good news with friends, family, and supporters that David was in surgery and they were absolutely certain the donor lung was good. She later updated everyone:

As of Sunday morning David’s doctors said he is doing well. He is still under sedation until a bronchoscopy is performed later in the day. Courtney and David are asking for everyone’s continued prayers as he recovers from surgery.

It’s a happy Father’s Day for the Braytons, indeed!


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