Argentinian President Javier Milei Decries the Trump Assassination Attempt and Calls out Leftist Media

AP Photo/Markus Schreiber

Argentinian President Javier Milei has been especially animated over the attempted assassination of former U.S. President and presumptive Republican Party nominee Donald Trump. As a controversial leader himself who has transformed the face of his nation and upended the deeply embedded corruption and bureaucracy that has eaten at the fabric of Argentina, he knows all too well the threat of violence and assassination, as his third-world country has experienced more than its share. Milei is in the midst of implementing sweeping economic reforms and dismantling his own Deep State by eliminating bureaucracies and corruption that have bankrupted Argentina for decades, and Trump has been a vocal ally and a promised partner to Milei should Trump attain another term as U.S. president.


Like many of the world's leaders, upon the tragic events of Saturday night, Milei took to X to express his solidarity with Trump and his vision to save America and correct its downward spiral. 

All my support and solidarity to President and candidate Donald Trump, victim of a COWARDLY assassination attempt that put his life and that of hundreds of people at risk. 

The desperation of the international left is not surprising, as today it sees its harmful ideology expire, and is willing to destabilize democracies and promote violence to screw itself into power. In fear of losing at the polls, they resort to terrorism to impose their retrograde and authoritarian agenda. 

I hope for the speedy recovery of President Trump and that the elections in the United States are held fairly, peacefully and democratically.

Milei also excoriated leftists and the legacy media for their complicity in creating the environment that fomented this.


Javier Milei expresses solidarity with Donald Trump: "The international left resorts to terrorism to impose its retrograde and authoritarian agenda"

Note: Rough translation of a La Gaceta article via Google Translate.

Argentine President Javier Milei has shown his support and solidarity for former US President and Republican candidate in the November elections, Donald Trump , after being the victim of a cowardly assassination attempt that put his life and that of hundreds of people at risk.

"It is not surprising that the international left is in desperation as it sees its nefarious ideology expire and is willing to destabilise democracies and promote violence in order to cling to power," he said in a message on the social network X.

"In fear of losing at the polls, they are resorting to terrorism to impose their retrograde and authoritarian agenda. I hope for President Trump's speedy recovery and that the elections in the United States are conducted in a fair, peaceful and democratic manner," he concluded.

In another post, Milei responds and re-posts an MSNBC video of Claire McCaskill comparing Trump to Mussolini and Hitler and painting him as more dangerous than these dictators. Milei rips the media a new one.


Politically correct lefties are all cut from the same cloth, no matter where you look in the world... When an aberrant adjective appears in society, they will be there to label their opponents with said adjective... We have several of these sinister beings in the country who also have their accomplice journalists... easy, look for the politicians who do this and the journalists who play into their hands. There they will find the true enemies of FREEDOM... The cultural battle never stops... LONG LIVE DAMN FREEDOM...!!!

Some of the country's journalists and independent international press have taken notice of Milei's stands and have amplified his remarks. In the wake of corporate media's attempts to whitewash the attempted assassination of Trump and spin it for their own ends, Milei's statements stand as a glaring indictment and an alternative voice. It also shows the power of social media, particularly the revived X platform, to ensure free speech and truth are given space in the face of these attempts to obfuscate and gaslight.


President Javier Milei (@JMilei) repudiated the atrocities that Democrats said about Trump, such as that "he is more dangerous than Hitler and Mussolini", and that generated the violence of this Saturday's attack.

These independent journalists are also connecting the dots and drawing parallels with the legacy media representation and symbols surrounding the attempted Trump assassination and the same legacy media's attacks on Milei.

Not only Trump has been a victim of this type of violence, which the mainstream media wants to legitimize, Milei during his presidential campaign was also a victim of these symbolisms, when Kirchnerism showed lion heads with blood or dolls with the photo of Milei being burned.


Should Trump win the U.S. presidency in November, having Milei as an ally could further disrupt the comfortable and entrenched seats of world power. That is something of which the world's elite are probably most afraid.


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