
Democrats Can't Stop Alienating Their Supporters

AP Photo/Stephen B. Morton

There are plenty of reasons why many Democrats, including law professor Alan Dershowitz, are saying “sayonara” to the Democratic Party. Yet, folks on the left appear to be missing the lesson.

The Democratic Party, despite the influence of establishment moderates, has embraced a type of left-wing radicalism that is off-putting to many on the left who follow politics. It has pushed for policies that would vastly expand an already-bloated government and shown over and over again that it is out of touch with everyday voters.

This is no longer your parents’ Democratic Party – it has become something else entirely, which is prompting many to defect to the Republican Party or become Independents.

The news about Dershowitz’s breakup with the Democrats surfaced on Friday, but it was hardly shocking given his commentary on former President Donald Trump and other matters. During an interview, he cited the recent Democratic National Convention as the straw that snapped the camel’s back in half like Bane did to Batman so many years ago.

“[People were …] standing outside the convention center and screaming, “Hamas will win!” Screaming, “We are all Hamas!” Screaming, “There was nothing wrong with October 7th,” Dershowitz said, referencing the pro-Hamas protesters who demonstrated at the event.

“I am no longer a Democrat. I am an independent. I'll decide who to vote for at the last minute based on totality of the circumstances. I want to see how they deal with Iran, I want to see how they deal if Iran attacks the United States, I want to encourage the current administration to support Israel, so I'm not revealing my vote until, you know, maybe November 1st.”

The law professor explained that “a lot of things pushed me in that direction” and cited Vice President Kamala Harris’ “failure to comply with their constitutional obligation to preside over the Senate and the House Joint Sessions for Netanyahu” as one of the driving factors in his decision. “I cannot be associated with the party that features as its speakers, AOC, Sharpton, Liz Warren and Bernie Sanders, that's not my party,” he said.

The underlying theme here is that the Democratic Party has become far too radical for folks like Dershowitz.

When it comes to Israel and United States foreign policy related to the Middle East, Democrats have essentially allowed radical elements to go largely unchecked on the left. Since Hamas started the current war in Gaza by slaughtering Israeli civilians on October 7, anti-Israel protesters have staged a multitude of demonstrations on college campuses and other locations across the country.

In many instances, the activists have openly defended, supported, and praised Hamas’ murderous actions. On Monday, thousands of pro-Hamas protesters marched in Manhattan, waving flags representing terrorist organizations and screaming antisemitic slogans.

Another incident featured pro-Hamas activists disrupting operations at New York City’s Penn Station, harassing and intimidating commuters. The demonstrators were characterized as a “pro-murder, pro-rape, pro-kidnapping mob.”

Many of these protests have devolved into violence, with pro-Hamas agitators physically assaulting and harassing Jewish students and others who are not in lockstep with the anti-Israel movement. During a demonstration at Yale University, a pro-Hamas activist stabbed a Jewish student journalist in the eye with a Palestinian flag.

The actions of these thugs have elicited criticism from many on the right and center. Yet, members of the left-wing chattering class have largely been silent. Some have criticized the violence and support for terrorism. But, by and large, Democrats have not condemned these individuals, which suggests they either agree with them or don’t care about what they are doing.

But it isn’t just about Israel. Democrats have embraced radical positions on gender issues that have surely alienated many on the left who understand basic biology. In July, Sen. Ted Cruz (R-TX) managed to tank a judicial nominee who believes it is appropriate to house male inmates in female prisons.

Women in America were given a massive victory by the Senate Judiciary Committee after it torpedoed the nomination of Sarah Netburn and the Democrats' bid to have her sit on the U.S. District Court in New York's Southern District.

To give you a reminder about how radical Netburn is, this was the judge who allowed a man named William McClain to transfer to a women's prison after he simply renamed himself July Justine Shelby and identified as a woman despite undergoing no real changes to his body. McClain had pleaded guilty to molesting a nine-year-old boy and raping a 17-year-old girl.

Netburn reversed a decision by the Board of Prisons to deny McClain his request, stating McClain was hormonally a female and should be transferred to a women's prison as soon as possible.

The Democratic Party’s new platform also expresses enthusiastic support for “gender-affirming care” for minors who are suffering from gender dysphoria. It vows that the party “will vigorously oppose state and federal bans on gender-affirming health care,” which means they want young ones to be subjected to treatments that can cause irreversible damage.

Vice President Harris has been scant with details about her policy platform, but even the little bit she has proposed publicly has been extreme. In a supposed effort to combat the effects of inflation, Harris declared she would enact a “price gouging” ban which is little more than a plan to have government-mandated price controls on groceries and other goods.

To be fair, there were several left-leaning media outlets that published op-eds and reports criticizing this policy position. But she has not backed away from the proposal.

This is but a smattering of the radical stances Democrats have embraced or, at the very least, have refused to condemn. The party is gradually pushing away even its most ardent supporters by inching ever so much closer to extreme leftism. Given this shift, it is no surprise that Dershowitz and many others have announced their departure from the party. Since Democrats still have not learned their lesson, there will likely be many more.


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