
DOJ Targets Surgeon Who Exposed Children's Hospital Over Gender-Affirming Surgeries on Minors

AP Photo/Patrick Semansky

The Department of Justice (DOJ) has moved against a private citizen for exposing gender policies at Texas Children’s Hospital.

Whistleblower Dr. Eithan Haim came forward in 2023 and told journalist Christopher Rufo that the hospital continued to conduct “gender-affirming” surgeries on minors after Texas passed a law outlawing the procedure’s use on children.

Haim is now facing four felony counts related to alleged violations of the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA). This move comes amid national debate over gender-affirming care being used on children suffering from gender dysphoria.

Those supporting the effort to trans children have shown they are willing to use the government to force the public to align with progressive gender ideology. Haim’s case appears to be intended to punish him for fighting back against this effort. Rufo wrote:

On the morning in June 2023 that Haim was to graduate from Texas Children Hospital’s residency program, federal agents knocked on his door. They had identified him as a potential “leaker,” presumably through forensic examination of the hospital’s computer systems. Shortly thereafter, Assistant U.S. Attorney Tina Ansari began threatening Haim with prosecution.

Now, Ansari has made good on those threats. Earlier this week, U.S. marshals appeared at Haim’s home and summoned him to court to face an indictment on four felony counts of violating HIPAA. His initial appearance is next Monday, where he will learn more about the charges against him.

According to one of Haim’s attorneys, Marcella Burke, he is anxious to get to trial to get his side of the story told; she is confident that this will result in the correct decision being made. (For my own part, I can confirm that nothing in the information provided to me identified any individual; all the documents were, in fact, carefully redacted.) Nonetheless, the prosecutor has pressed forward, hoping, at the least, to intimidate other medical professionals who would consider blowing the whistle on the barbarism of “transgender medicine.”

Despite the threat to his livelihood and freedom, Haim is undeterred. He plans to mount a vigorous defense in court and is soliciting public support.

The DOJ is accusing Haim of improperly accessing and disclosing patient information in violation of HIPAA, which protects the confidentiality of people’s health information. However, in his article, Rufo notes that Haim “can confirm that nothing in the information provided to me identified any individual; all the documents were, in fact, carefully redacted.”

The surgeon maintains his innocence. “They wanted to intimidate me into silence using every technique the federal leviathan had at their disposal. But they failed,” Haim wrote on X. “The only way to lose is to submit to corruption. It’s time to fight back harder than ever!”

They wanted to intimidate me into silence using every technique the federal leviathan had at their disposal. But they failed.

The only way to lose is to submit to corruption. It's time to fight back harder than ever!

GiveSendGo | Legal Defense Fund for Surgeon Whistleblower

— Eithan Haim MD (@EithanHaim) June 6, 2024

The charges against Haim have prompted a public outcry on social media. Many have argued that the case is an effort to silence whistleblowers who come forward about efforts to foist transgenderism on young children. He is expected to appear in court on June 10.

As I’ve written many times, the authoritarian left has no qualms with weaponizing the government to force the rest of the country to subscribe to progressive gender ideology. The DOJ’s aggressive pursuit of Haim is just one of several actions the government has taken, and will likely continue to take, to protect their efforts to provide gender-affirming care to children regardless of parental consent or state laws.

The case of Dr. Haim is not the only one showing how progressives seek to use the government to enforce their gender ideology on the rest of the country. In 2022, the Biden administration issued guidance ostensibly intended to protect the rights of transgender students in schools. The White House recently revamped Title IX protections to expand the definition of gender to include those experiencing gender dysphoria.

As awful as this is, Haim will likely not be the only person who could face charges for pushing back against the effort to trans children. If the hard left can successfully use the power of the state to put people behind bars for their beliefs – even if they are exposing illegal activity – they will do so. The authoritarian left’s aim is to use the government to cow people into silence. If people believe they could end up behind bars for speaking out against gender ideology, there will be fewer people who are willing to stand against it.


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