Doctor Describes Horrific Physical, Sexual, and Psychological Abuse Carried Out by Hamas Against Hostages

AP Photo/Ariel Schalit

Another revelation has surfaced showing that, despite what the anti-Israel crowd says, Hamas terrorists subjected Israeli hostages to all kinds of horrific treatment, including sexual assault. This is the latest development showing that Hamas is not quite as virtuous as those opposing Israel might have us believe.


Dr. Itai Pessach, one of the physicians who treated freed Israeli hostages, described a disturbing pattern of abuse that the terrorists inflicted on these individuals during an interview with CBS News.

Pessach said he believes both Israelis and Palestinians in Gaza are suffering from PTSD: "When they undergo events such as this, this will take its toll, and it doesn't matter if they're on this side or the other side."

He also believes that television pictures of the freed hostages that suggested they had not been physically abused were misleading. "I think it was very deceptive," said Pessach. "There's not a single person that came back that didn't have a significant physical injury or a medical problem. On top of that, some of them were getting medication, to look better than they actually were."

There were also stories of hostages being branded (a common practice inflicted on Jews and other prisoners of Nazi concentration camps during the Holocaust), and of being sexually abused. "Yes, we did see signs of branding," Pessach said. "We definitely saw signs of being handcuffed. We did hear and see evidence of sexual abuse in a significant part of the people we have treated. We also heard evidence – and that was one of the hardest parts – of abuse against those that [are still there], both physical and sexual."

The doctor also described the psychological torture that the hostages endured.


Pessach also said hostages were subjected to psychological torture (as in being told that Israel no longer exists). "What really struck me is how prepared the Hamas terrorists were with their psychological torment," he said. "It was structured and preplanned. They're constantly saying, 'Nobody cares about you. You are here alone. You hear the bombs falling? They don't care about you. We're here to protect you.' And this really played with their minds.

Earlier this month, as my colleague Bob Hoge reported, another Israeli doctor described the horrible treatment the hostages endured.

Not only were conditions horrible, but the hostages were also subject to starvation, beatings, sexual assault, and the psychological terror of not knowing where their family members were or if they were even alive:

"Those held captive were subject to starvation, to beating, to sexual abuse. They were being held in inhumane sanitary conditions. Extremely severe psychological abuse was inflicted on them, including separation from family members, separation of siblings, separation of children from their mothers.

"They were held in solitary confinement and spent long days in total darkness until they developed severe hallucinations," Eitan claimed. "Children were forced to watch brutal videos. They were under constant threats by weapons and threats to harm them even after they were released. They refer to the forced use of psychiatric drugs and other substances."


The ordeal these individuals went through serves as a grave reminder of the brutality of Hamas and the depravity of those defending the terrorist group. The details of the abuse paint a picture of deeply traumatic experiences that will have a long-lasting impact on the victims.

When reports first surfaced about the sexual abuse Hamas terrorists carried out during the October 7 attack, high-profile members of the anti-Israel crowd attempted to downplay the matter. Some outright denied that Israeli women were raped. Others on the hard left remained silent about the matter despite having been proponents of the #MeToo movement.

Now that more information is coming out about the treatment of the hostages, the anti-Israel propagandists have remained silent, likely because they have been so thoroughly proven wrong.


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