You know how the left has been loudly condemning President Donald Trump for holding large rallies amid the coronavirus epidemic? Well, it turns out that these events aren’t the COVID “superspreaders” that progressives claim they are.
The Daily Caller reached out to health officials in states that have been disproportionately impacted by the pandemic and conducted an analysis of publicly available health data. These officials confirmed that the number of coronavirus cases could not be “directly tied to campaign rallies.”
In the report, The Daily Caller reviewed public health data from state and county authorities where the president held rallies. They compared the number of new infections on the day that rallies took place to the number of new infections that were discovered “one week, two weeks, and one month later in each location to determine if there was a significant increase in new infections post-rally.”
After the pandemic hit, Trump’s first rally was held in Tulsa, Oklahoma, and was the subject of controversy mostly due to the left’s fearmongering. But it appears that their fake fears were unfounded.
From The Daily Caller:
“However, cases in Tulsa County actually trended downward during the two weeks after the rally, and a spokesman with the Oklahoma State Department of Health told the Daily Caller that they don’t have ‘hard data’ that connects the rally with any increase in cases. The Tulsa Health Department does not publicly release information on what events Covid-19 cases could have been contracted.”
Analysis of the other 22 rallies yielded similar results. The Caller reported that “roughly half of the events clearly did not precede an upward swing in the rate of Covid-19 infections in the host state or county. This includes campaign stops during August and September in Minnesota, Pennsylvania, North Carolina, Michigan, Nevada, and Ohio.”
The author notes that while the remaining events were held during periods in which COVID-19 cases seem to increase, “no evidence can prove a link between the President’s visits and the outbreaks.”
The Trump campaign put on rallies in two Pennsylvanian counties where coronavirus cases increased. But Deputy Press Secretary Maggi Mumma from the Pennsylvania Department of Health told The Daily Caller that they found no links between either of the events and the rise in infections.
Laura Montenegro, Public Information Officer for the New Hampshire Department of Health and Human Services, indicated that an August Trump rally did not contribute to a rise in COVID cases. She stated that “we are not aware of any cases linked to the Trump rally on 8/28.”
The same was said about a Trump rally that took place in Ohio on Sept. 21. Melanie Amato, Press Secretary for the Ohio Department of Health, explained, “there have been no cases linked to the rally on 9/21.”
Public health officials gave the same answers in each county in which the Trump campaign held an event except one. But even this case contains a caveat.
From The Daily Caller:
“Trump’s Sept. 18 rally in Bemidji, Minn., was the only event we investigated that ended up with multiple connected cases of Covid-19. Doug Schultz, Information Officer for the Minnesota Department of Health, says they have identified nine individuals who attended the rally and later tested positive for Coronavirus. Thousands of supporters participated in the rally.”
Schultz added that ‘it’s always difficult to attribute increases or decreases in daily case numbers to specific causes as there can be a multitude of factors influencing the numbers.’”
Of course, one couldn’t expect progressives or their close friends and allies in the establishment media to take note of this finding. Indeed, it’s unlikely that any of them bothered to look at the data to see if a verifiable connection between Trump rallies and COVID-19 cases existed. They’re much too busy covering for Black Lives Matter protests that were held amid the pandemic.
But don’t be too skeptical, dear reader. Perhaps they know something we don’t?
Maybe the coronavirus is a woke virus, meaning that it will not infect people involved in progressive rallies, riots, and other types of tomfoolery. It’s possible that the virus only infects Trump supporters at rallies because it is afraid that the likes of Shaun King, AKA Jesse Flaxen, might call it racist if it dares to sicken someone protesting for social justice.
Either way, this report debunks the notion that Trump rallies are somehow more dangerous than progressive events. But, of course, we can’t expect the left to be honest about it, can we?
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