Well, here we are again. Former Vice President Joe Biden caused another “cleanup on aisle seven” moment when he made a racist comment on a radio talk show. Predictably, progressives are doing their damnedest to spin, defend, or deflect from his latest gaffe because it’s 2020, and everything is stupid.
In an appearance on “The Breakfast Club,” a popular black radio show, Biden defended his record regarding the black community and answered questions posed by host Charlamagne tha God. But as the interview concluded, Biden made a poor attempt at humor when the host suggested another interview in the future to ask some more questions. In response, Biden said, “If you have a problem figuring out whether you’re for me or Trump, then you ain’t black.”
Needless to say, Biden’s comments elicited widespread criticism from Americans from both the left and the right. Of course, most of the ire directed at the former vice president came from conservatives, both black and white, for his senseless, and yes, racist remarks.
He later apologized for the joke hours later in a campaign call with black business leaders. But the damage was done.
Or was it?
See, here’s the thing. Anyone who has been paying attention to politics over the past decade knows that this is not Biden’s first racist rodeo. Indeed, he has made several remarks that could easily be seen as racially insensitive.
Remember back during the 2012 election when Biden told a black audience that Republicans wanted to bring back slavery? It happened during a speech given to 800 black Obama supporters. During his address, he lashed out at failed GOP presidential candidate Mitt Romney and his team, claiming that, “They’re going to put y’all back in chains.”
Biden seemed to believe that this type of emotional manipulation would swing black voters in Obama’s favor. But he was roundly criticized for his comments. However, it did no lasting damage since he was already the vice president. But even before he rose to that position, he got himself into faux trouble when he made some rather interesting statements about then-candidate Barack Obama.
Before Biden began his candidacy for president in the 2008 election, he discussed Obama’s potential run for the office with the New York Observer. He said, “I mean, you got the first mainstream African-American who is articulate and bright and clean and a nice-looking guy. I mean, that’s a storybook, man.”
Democrats pretended to be offended at Biden’s comments for about five minutes. Then, Obama – probably at the behest of the Democratic powers-that-be – chose him as his running mate. But these are only a few examples of the former vice president’s penchant for making racist comments. His history goes farther back than this, but if I were to list each instance, I might need to turn this article into a 6-part series.
So why does Biden continually get away with making these remarks? After all, we have seen the left’s tendency to eat their own when someone falls out of line. Hell, if you’re like most on the right, you have probably already noted how progressives would react if President Trump dared to make such a comment. There would be mass pearl-clutching along with wailing and gnashing of teeth.
Well, here’s the answer: Mainstream high-profile progressives don’t give a crap about racism.
Yes, I know you’re shocked, but stay with me here. It is evident that many on the far-left see racism as a political weapon to be used against political foes, not an evil to be addressed. This is why they don’t care about Biden’s racist remarks. He’s not some low-level state representative who isn’t likely to have an impact. He’s running for the presidency against Donald freaking Trump, who the left views as a real-life Emperor Palpatine.
This is why the corporate media and high-profile progressives are still pretending that Biden’s comments aren’t a big deal. But let’s be real. Biden could strut onto a stage in full KKK garb, pull off the hood to show he is wearing blackface, and quip, “Well, hello there darkies!” and the progressive left would still defend him.
If the progressives defending Biden’s remarks had an ounce of intellectual honesty, they would acknowledge that his comments were indeed racist, even though they still intended to support him. In fact, to be fair, many on the left have taken this very stance.
While this type of comment would certainly sink a politician running for a different office, the stakes seem to be too high for the left, and they will never reject their only hope of defeating Trump in November.
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