Kick that can. Members of Congress don’t want anybody interfering with their vacations. In a surprising show of bipartisanship, Republicans, and Democrats convened for a day to pass a spending bill that keeps the government up and running for another week
From The Washington Post:
A short-term spending agreement to keep the federal government open for another week overwhelmingly passed Congress on Friday.
The House voted 382 to 30 on Friday to approve the deal and the Senate unanimously approved it a short time later. House and Senate negotiators are set to work through the weekend to finalize a longer-term deal that would fund the government through the end of the fiscal year in September.
Top staff and leaders on the appropriations committees had tried late Thursday to reach a longer agreement but were unable to resolve differences on several unrelated policy measures that have plagued the process since the beginning, according to several congressional aides familiar with the talks.
This doesn’t bode well for when they do return. Once they do, the partisan squabbling will start again, and we’ll likely see another continuing resolution that’s a bit longer.
At some point, these bozos will get to work and get a real budget passed.
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