Fox News did not waste any time in shuffling their lineup with the departure of Bill O’Reilly. The change isn’t as newsworthy as when Tucker Carlson took over for Megyn Kelly, but it does represent a shift in how they are prioritizing their lineup.
Here is the new lineup:
The significant change is Eric Bolling will be getting his own show in the 5 pm time slot. Jesse Watters, who worked on O’Reilly’s show, will take over Bolling’s position on ‘The Five,’ which is making a move to prime time.
The moves are not eye popping but what remains to be seen is how well Fox does with ratings. Bill O’Reilly has been for better or worse the face of Fox News. He had the highest ratings. The evidence is anecdotal but I’ve heard several people say they won’t watch Fox News without O’Reilly.
Another person I spoke to said this is a move by Murdoch’s kids to change Fox News all around and think Hannity is next.
Time will tell.
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